Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2574: Star fog

The battle is very crazy outside, and there are constant battles fluctuating, sweeping over here. From time to time, it hits the wall, causing a little damage and letting the wall crack a small hole.

So far away, it was affected, and the walls were cracked open. It can be imagined that if the distance is relatively close, the city wall will not completely collapse?

In this case, you don't need Yi Tianyun to take the shot, others can quickly repair the cracks on the wall, and all the problems are not big.

However, there are not many people who have paid attention to the wall, and they are all concerned about the war ahead. No one knows which side is the first to fall, and the first one to fall is the defeat.

After all, after a star emperor, the situation immediately became very serious. It was not evenly matched, but was suppressed.

Who is paying attention now, the first to lose!

On the side of the upper bound, I certainly don't want the stars of my own side to fall, and all of them are praying in their hearts, I hope that Ziyun Xingdi can win! Even if you can't kill your opponent and you can hit your opponent, it's a victory.

Of course, now that the other party has completely withdrawn, they are all earned. The people who have brought them basically have turned into blood rivers and dyed this area. There are basically no casualties on their side except for a few serious injuries!

This is the first time a miracle has appeared! In the siege war, this side has been held, and no one has died yet. On the contrary, the other party died a large group, the ten-star supreme and the star Supreme, all over a hundred.

This is already a great victory, and even a miracle.

It’s just that Ziyun Xingdi, they are not willing to let the other party evacuate like this, how to fight together, let the opponent know that their upper bounds are not so good!

"Kill!" Ziyun Xingdi and the dynasty star emperor, they roared, and the fighting power broke out again.

At this time, I finally gave the other party's star emperor a heavy blow, and suddenly let the opponent's star emperor appear to be unable to participate in the war. In this case, Ziyun Xing Emperor seized this gap and quickly other helpers came over the siege!

Under the strong offensive, the opponents were beaten and defeated. The Tianwu City owners saw their eyes red and the eyes were red. But now they are not dominant, continue to do so, they will really fall.

But they never want to evacuate like this, it is really humiliating.

"go away!"

The fire 麒 帝 帝 帝 狠狠 狠狠 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝Immediately, the Tianfeng beast turned and fled, and ignored the Tianwu city owners.

Originally they were not a group. Because they had a little trouble before, they would choose to help Tianwu City. Now Tianfeng Beast knows that he is invincible and feels that his life is in danger. He can only choose to escape. If he continues to do so, he must die here.

Once again, a star emperor lost his combat power. In fact, he escaped and immediately made the situation of the other party even more severe. The fire star screamed and burst into flames: "kill them!"

The Fire Star is more angry and has been chased for so long. It almost died. Now there is a chance to counterattack, how can I miss it?

"Damn, the beast escaped really fast!" Tianwu City Lord looked at the direction of the Tianfeng beast to escape, screaming and screaming, turning to look at the Ziyun Xing Emperor, they also saw each other also killing red eyes, How can I not let them go easily?

"Tianwu City Lord, what should I do now, these guys are trapped in us, can't easily break through..." Other Star Emperor faces are ugly, the reason why Tianfeng beast can escape, also know that Tianfeng beast is a foreign aid, killing It does not have any benefits, after all, the background is the Yaozu, can not kill without killing.

They are different, trapping them and letting them run away. Especially now that they are in a state of inferiority, it is even easier to let them go.

"Wait until I drag them, you flee!" Tianwu City master biting his teeth.

"Tianwu City Lord..." They were shocked at the bottom of their hearts and generally knew what Tianwu City Lord wanted to do, but did not say anything.

At this time, only the Tianwu City Master can fight, they are to help, to fight is also the Tianwu City Lord.

The next moment, Tianwu City Lord has no nonsense, roaring, the star fog behind it is madly drawn in, the body makes a "squeaky" sound, like a bone burst.

After a while, the Tianwu City Lord turned into a monster, and there was a thorn in the body. The blood flowed out of the thorn, and it seemed to feel pain.

After the outbreak, his combat power was greatly improved, and he swept forward. The horrible Limang hardly forced the encircled Ziyun Xing and others to retreat.

"Hey now!" Tianwu City screamed, indicating that they rushed to escape.

Other star emperors did not swear, took advantage of this gap and quickly ran out. As for the Tianwu City Lord, after choosing the temple, it turned into a humanoid monster to withstand other star emperors who pursued it.

For a time, the power of the violent tyrants of Tianwu City was actually against the attacks of several Star Emperors, and it was very violent.

Yi Tianyun on the wall, when I saw this scene, I felt amazed at my heart. What kind of power is this?

The eye of the exploration contracted, followed by detailed information, presented in front of his eyes.

Star fog violent: a large absorption of star fog, without filtering, forcibly absorbed, resulting in changes. This kind of change can greatly increase the power, and the shortcomings are quite obvious. After the end, it will be greatly damaged. A little careless, causing you to lose your mind and become a real monster. (external ability of foreign domain practitioners)

"Star fog violent?" Yi Tianyun stunned, did not expect this strange change, but the shortcomings are also very obvious, no wonder they did not break out at first.

After all, this stuff is used more, not only will it fall, but the main thing will be to lose reason and become a monster!

This is very strange, and arbitrarily absorb these stars, and it will lead to become a monster?

This makes Yi Tianyun think of the dynasty star emperor, he is also very violent to absorb the star fog, but not like the foreign domain practitioners, can become this monster state.

When others saw this change, they were shocked. They have not seen the Star Emperor have this form. Even many of them have been seen for the first time. Of course, some people have seen them. Those older ten-star supremes, or star emperors, have long been eccentric.

"Star fog is violent." Longyuan ten exclaimed: "This is their killer, but also a desperate killing trick... Of course, using it, it also means dead!"

Longyuan Ten is obviously known, and it is not the first time I saw it! Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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