Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2829: God assist

Ice Heaven Emperor is pouring oil on the side of the fire, and he is not afraid that the other side will besiege himself. After all, he just said a few more words on the side. The real problem is the opposite, not the other side. Wild sand

For this reason, he will worry about these things, just want the two sides to fight up!

In particular, this swears that it is even more difficult for them to send people to disguise the past. How to say that the Ice Ocean Emperor is also a Heavenly Emperor. Since you dare to make such a poisonous oath, it means that it is really worthwhile, and it means that this kind of thing cannot happen.

Under this circumstance, the eyes of many Heavenly Emperors of the Temple of Heaven reunited in the Heavenly Emperor of Tiancheng, and their eyes were full of anger.

The Ice Heaven Emperor swears that he is really not the ghost of the inner peak forces, or the Tiancheng forces to engage in ghosts, or the upper bounds. But is there someone on the side of this world?

Will there be five polar stars from below, without any perception? This is obviously impossible!

"This, this is definitely not what our Tiancheng forces are doing... Yes, it may be what the Star District is doing!" Kailong Tiandi thought of one thing and said in a hurry: "Someone in the world can change their breath, and they are not allowed to Change to the atmosphere of our strong, and then mix in!"

When the Emperor of the Ice showed a ridiculous watch, he knew that Qilong Emperor would say so, and then said on the side: "The five great stars, so you can mix in, and you can change the atmosphere like this." I heard that there is only one person in the Tianxing District, who can change the breath. How can it fall into your mouth and become five? Even if it is five, to tell the truth, I think it is either stupid or Stupid, can you choose to waste?"

"Hey, choose to desperately blew, it is too wasteful to end this life. This feeling is like killing chickens and taking eggs. It is not as good as being crouched in the power. The status is so high, and it is more realistic. Suicide. Really, I think they are really stupid..."

God assists!

Yi Tianyun listened on the side, this guy is really a **** assist. Sometimes the lethality of the mouth is far more than the damage caused by the attack. Now is the most obvious example.

The Ice Heaven Emperor just inserted a word, the people on the other side of the Temple of Heaven, his face changed. This is really true. According to this point of view, there is only one point, that is, Tiancheng forces deliberately do this, and want to transfer the firepower to the upper bounds, so as to set off a big battle!

Their brain holes are really not small, sometimes a few words down, it is easy to influence things. Even if it is a bit of a loophole, but in the current situation, in addition to the Tiancheng forces, who else?

"Bingyang Emperor, you shut me up!" Kailong Tiandi screamed: "We can't do this. If I swear, I can swear!"

"If the five people are arranged by me, I will never be super-born forever!"

In an emergency, Qilong Tiandi also vowed. In fact, I swear that there is no punishment at all. Originally, they have changed their lives as Heavenly Emperors. They swear that there is no punishment at all, just about their own dignity.

Now the Qilong Emperor’s swears that the face of the Tiantan forces is eccentric, is it really a ghost in the upper bounds?

Yi Tianyun's face sank, I did not expect this guy to have this trick, it is not good to continue this way, can not bring the guilt of both.

"He just swears that he is not arranged by himself. It does not mean that it was not arranged by other emperors. This loophole is too obvious." Ice Age Emperor once again interjected: "Come, you also swear together!"

"We swear that absolutely no one has ever sneaked into the forces of the Temple of Heaven, and will not arrange any eyeliner to the other side! The five people are not arranged by ourselves!"

One by one, the Emperor began to make trouble, and he followed the words of the obedient Emperor, and began to swear. They are very happy to see the opposite fight, so they are enjoying it.

God assists! It is also God's assist!

Yi Tianyun is about to shoot his thighs. He didn't expect the Ice Emperor to come to God for another assist. He thought he was finished, and he also attracted the anger of the two. Who knows that the ice ocean Tiandi once again assisted, but it really made him happy to shoot thighs.

"Now we have vowed to finish, and it is your turn to swear. You vow to see, the five people are not arranged by you, nor have you arranged any eyeliner in the power of the heavens. Do you dare to swear?" The empire of the ocean sneered, he I don't believe in Tiancheng's power. I didn't arrange any eyeliner on the side of the Tiantan forces. For this reason, I added a few words, step by step.

When Qi Long Tiandi’s face sank, the five people were definitely not arranged by them, but if there were no other people arranged, it would be really impossible...

The internal peak forces do not have this idea, and it does not mean that they do not have such actions. All of a sudden, they fell into the trap, did not think of the road of the ice ocean!

Although I vowed that nothing will happen, after being investigated, I can imagine what caused a sensation. Not only is it a reputation, but as a result of their swearing, it is even worse.

Qiu Hongtian, they saw that they did not swear, and their faces were like frost.

"I didn't expect it, it's really a ghost for you!" Qiu Hongtian said.

"This is absolutely no, the five people are definitely not arranged by us!" Qilong Tiandi bite.

"That means that you have arranged for us to be inside us?" Qiu Hongtian's topic turned and turned into another content.

Qilong Tiandi’s face was stiff, and he immediately said: “We have arranged it. Have you not arranged it? Now our common enemy is the inner peak force, not between us!”

Originally, this kind of thing should not be acknowledged, but now it is necessary to join forces to besiege the inner peak forces, and can only explain it with a hard scalp.

"Just kidding, but also common enemies. Where do we know, will you continue to send a group of people to attack, and the only loss will be us!" Qiu Hongtiandi cold channel: "Go, we evacuate! This battle ,do not fight!"

When you say it, you will be evacuated. If you leave, you will be decisive.

It can be said that once the evacuation is over, there are two major forces facing each other. This will be similar in the two forces. If you fight in this situation, you will not necessarily lose.

"Qilong Tiandi, remember to be clean when you are doing your hands and feet next time." Bingyang Tiandi cold channel: "On, give me all, let them know that we are amazing!"


A group of people have killed in the past, and some have rushed up from the ground, sneak up like crazy before, say hit!

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