Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2830: Withdrawal

In the mid-peak battle, it is obvious that the inner peak force is even better. For this reason, the inner peak is absolutely superior in the case of the difference between the two sides. After all, the advantages of terrain are enough to make their combat power increase.

All of a sudden, the war was ignited again, and the two sides smothered each other. At the same time, the Emperor’s level also rushed to the side.

The anger makes the Ice Emperor, they don't want to end this way, how to say that they have to leave a large number of people to say, instead of just ending. They are coming to the peaks, and they are leaving.

Before the Tiantan forces did not say it, let them leave, otherwise it would be no good for anyone.

Now that you have left the forces of Tiancheng, it is different. If you want to fight and fight, they will not be afraid!


The battle quickly entered a state of white heat, and Qilong Emperor was even more angry in his heart. In addition to being in the ice, he was more surprised and angry.

They really don't know who is the ghost. Is it really not the internal peak forces? Or is it really the realm of the world?

But they can check them all at the same time, and the polar star emperor can give it up. What is going on?

This makes them really do not understand, but now is not the time to investigate, but need to fight!

Following them quickly, the battle of the Emperor was fiery, and as far as the Emperor’s level was concerned, it was also fiery. The difference is that the practitioners within the Emperor's level are all suppressed by the inner peak forces.

It’s not that the inner peak forces are too strong, but on their own territory, the advantage is too great, and they can almost achieve the same level of opponents, can suppress each other!

Originally, the opposite was at a disadvantage. Now the morale is defeated, especially before the five major polar emperors have blown up a wave, losing more than half of the number, resulting in being hit by the inner peak forces.

It can be said that the overall defeat, continue to do so, the Tiancheng forces must be suppressed.

Yi Tianyun is also madly slashing and slashing, and the number of people who die in his hands is increasing.


Qilong Emperor sent out their unwilling roar, then turned and then evacuated, and then did not evacuate, it really died. Originally it was an absolute advantage. The two forces joined forces and could not suppress a force?

They dare not say that they want to completely suppress the inner peak, at least to repel the other side, and then occupy this area. Who can think of this happening, causing their plans to fail!

Everything changed too fast, and no one expected that there would be such a change.

When they retired, the rest of the people became remnants. It can be said that there are not many people left.

After the complete evacuation, the Ice Emperor ordered that he should not continue to catch up. If he is not on his own territory, he will not chase it.

This will be the Qilong Emperor, they really lost their faces, it can be said that they lost their wife and lost their soldiers, and many deaths and injuries. They want to be desperate, but they don't dare to desperately.

Because of the situation just now, the relationship with the Tiantan forces has deteriorated. If they are damaged, especially the death of the Emperor, the consequences will become extremely serious.

To this end, we can only choose to avoid the war, and the results that can be brought are also very serious. The people who bring it are basically dead, and the losses can be described as horrendous.

After they fled back, they looked white and white, and they were angry.

"This loss is too heavy. Who is the ghost? Is it the Star District, or the Inner Peak!"

Their faces are extremely ugly, but they can be described as anger to the extreme, but they can't take revenge. They can only break this anger and swallow it.

"This must be thoroughly investigated. Under the inventory, is there any special situation recently?"

"Special circumstances? Recently there was a special case, that is, Jue Tiandi and the Thousand Spirits Emperor suddenly came up, and then went on."

“Don't they deliberately attract attention so that others can move in?”

"But it's not right. We have a polar star emperor in each channel, and they are all exploring the body. It is basically difficult to miss. How can we change the breath and not change the body structure?"

"That way, according to this, is it the ghost of Neifeng? But it is impossible to make such a thing." Are they shameless?"

These oaths are impossible to send out at will, people can be insidious, but some things can not be said.

But is there anyone who swears at random and messes up?

The answer is yes... that person is the Emperor.

Other people have never made a poison oath, and they feel that the Emperor’s swear is to fart...

When they were going to investigate it, the ice-earth Emperor was always surprised, and he did not expect this battle to win!

I haven’t played a game for a long time, and I’ve played the opposite side and made the whole inner peak force very exciting.

"This is really helping me. I really don't know why this happened. After this happens, let the result be completely reversed. If it is not an unexpected situation, then we are afraid to lose a piece of land." I was very glad that I shook my head.

"The five polar stars are really made out of the day's sincerity?" Snowstorm Emperor doubted.

"This day I know, I can't say that it is really a person from the Stars District. No matter how good it is, if it doesn't happen, we really have to eat and lose." Bingyang Tiandi smiled and said: "If it is the Star District That, I have to thank you very much. Although there is no intersection with the Star District, the enemy of the enemy is our friend."

"What do you think about the Star District?" Snow Storm Emperor asked.

"I can have any thoughts. I really have no interest in the Tianxing District. Is it not good for us to stay here? If we can unify this Shenlu, we will also pay attention to what the Tianxing District is." Bingyang Tiandi sneered on the side: "Tiancheng Force Over there, the capture of the Star District is not to be able to quickly break through, and then there will be more powerful people to capture the land."

"In the end, everything is based on the land of God. God is the future, can there be a great emperor in the star area that day? Impossible!"

Ice Ocean Emperor shook his head: "As long as we have enough resources here, where else need to be an enemy of the Star District? It should be said that the real enemy now is Tiancheng Power!"

During their discussion, Yi Tianyun followed other people back to the inner peak, and the conversation between the emperors could not be heard.

However, he can at least successfully come in and be able to see what is inside the inner peak. Although you can get a lot of information from your memory, you can get more information if you can come in and explore it step by step.

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