Crazy? The Female Emperor's Disciple Wants To Live With Me?

Chapter 220 The Despair Of The Ancestor Of Wanjian Sect

"Hehe, it's just you, you're not worthy. Today, this old man will kill you to kill the people!" Pang Long said in a cold voice.

With Pang Long's words falling.

A sword appeared in Pang Long's hand in an instant.

This is a Quasi Emperor device that Pang Long polished for himself after breaking through Quasi Emperor Realm.

The power is similar to that of a pseudo-immortal weapon.

It's just that cultivators generally like to build weapons for themselves after entering the Quasi Emperor and the Great Emperor.

And for the Quasi Emperor cultivators.

The Quasi Emperor weapon will integrate the power of the cultivator's soul, so when it is shot, the power will be much stronger than the general pseudo-immortal weapon.

"Man, you have successfully aroused the wrath of this seat, and this seat will devour your Blood Essence now, and let you know that you, the Quasi Emperor Realm First Stage, are nothing but a silver wax head in front of this seat! "Dark Demon Venerable said solemnly.

With the words of the Dark Demon Venerable fell.

The vast aura around the Dark Demon Venerable erupted.

Then it turned into a net of heaven and earth, sweeping towards Pang Long.

"Haha, it's you who are not capable of your own strength!"

"One sword alone!"

Pang Long said solemnly.

With the explosion of Pang Long, he shouted.

The Quasi Emperor sword in his hand is cut out.


When Pang Long's sword was cut out.

The incomparable Sword Qi swept out.

The entire void was filled with Sword Ray.

Sword Qi diffuses.

Space is distorted by the terrifying Sword Qi torn apart.

See the ancestors shot.

Standing in the distance, both Pang Tianci and Pang Jun couldn't help but say: "The Sword Technique of the ancestors is really terrifying, and it deserves to be the existence of the Quasi Emperor Realm!"

"Yeah, when the ancestors shot, I felt that my soul was trembling, this devil is dead!"

In Pang Tianci and Pang Jun's cognition, the ancestor is the most powerful existence of Sword Technique in this world.

Of course, with the exception of Lu senior from Xiaoyao Sect.

That senior Lu can't talk about it as an ordinary person, it's an existence that has transcended this world, and it has transcended their cognition.


When Pang Tianci and Pang Jun were talking like this.

Pang Long's vast Sword Ray ripped apart the sky and directly collided with the net of heaven and earth coming from the Dark Demon Venerable.

A roar resounded throughout the world.

Horrible fallout rolls.

When the clouds in the sky were affected by this huge and unparalleled energy, they collapsed instantly.

for a while.

The sky seemed to darken.

Although Wan Jianzong has a strong formation to protect him at the moment.

However, the disciples of Wan Jianzong still felt that the sky above their heads had collapsed, making it difficult for them to breathe, and they felt like they were about to suffocate.

At this moment, these disciples knew how terrifying the Quasi Emperor Realm was.

If the ancestors were a little closer to them.

Then they will probably die.

Feel the movement here.

Some cultivators who are thousands of miles away from here also perceive it.

Then, after seeing the scene in front of them from thousands of miles away, they couldn't help being stunned.

"The ancestor of Wanjianzong has docked with the devil, this battle is too terrifying!"

"Of course, the ancestor of Wanjian Sect broke through to the Quasi Emperor First Stage in Xiaoyao Sect last time, and this devil should also be the existence of the Quasi Emperor Realm. The battle between the two Quasi Emperors is naturally extremely terrifying!"

Many cultivators looked at the battle here and said with some fear.

When these cultivators were shocked, at this moment, the battle between Pang Long and the Dark Demon Venerable had reached a fever pitch.

After Pang Long slashed out with one sword, it resolved the net of the Dark Demon Venerable.

Then, Pang Long cut out another sword and came towards the Dark Demon Venerable.

"It's a bit interesting, this seat seems to underestimate you, you, a cultivator who has just entered the Quasi Emperor Realm First Stage, actually has the combat power of the Quasi Emperor Realm Second Stage, but so what, it's all over!" Facing Pang Long's sword, Demon Venerable said calmly.

The next moment.

The Dark Demon Venerable shot directly with a palm.



This terrifying palm print filled with huge demonic energy collided with Pang Long's sword.

But only for a moment.

Pang Long's sword collapsed directly.

Then, Dark Demon Venerable slapped Pang Long with his palm.

Facing this palm, Pang Long felt a great threat, and a bad premonition arose spontaneously.

The whole person quickly backed out.

But the speed of this palm is too fast.

Although Pang Long has retreated very quickly.

But he was still slapped on the shoulder by the palm of the Dark Demon Venerable.

Pang Long snorted.

The whole person only felt that he was hit by an incomparably huge mountain.

Then fly out.

After Pang Long stabilized his figure.

At this moment, only half of Pang Long's shoulders were bloodied.

Drops of blood from the Quasi Emperor kept pouring out.


Pang Long couldn't help but take a deep breath.

When he looked at the light-hearted gloomy Demon Venerable, his expression was full of fear.

Pang Long really didn't expect that this dark Demon Venerable was so terrifying.

"Ah, the ancestor lost? This..."

Originally, the disciples of Wanjianzong were all rejoicing when they saw their ancestors take action.

But when I saw the pale face of the ancestor, half of the shoulders were bloody.

The disciple of Wan Jianzong began to have a bad premonition in his heart.

Eggy's despair couldn't help but rise in her heart.

The ancestors were so powerful that they all lost.

Doesn't that mean that the Ten Thousand Swords Sect is going to be the same as the Sects that the Dark Demon Venerable destroyed?

Thinking of this, everyone's despair couldn't help but grow a little more.

"This devil is too terrifying, isn't it? Even the ancestors of Wanjianzong are not opponents?"

Not to mention that Wan Jianzong fell into despair in an instant, the cultivators who were thousands of miles away at this moment could not help but feel extremely desperate.

Gloom Demon Venerable looked at Pang Long, who was a little embarrassed in front of him: "Hmph, you are a Quasi Emperor Realm First Stage, and you are worthy of shouting in front of this seat? I think that in the heyday of this seat, even the Great Emperor was beheaded!"

"But if this seat devours your Blood Essence, and then devours a few Sacred Land powerhouses, then this seat can return to its peak state!"

The Dark Demon looked extremely confident.

With the words of the Dark Demon Venerable fell.

The Dark Demon Venerable walked slowly towards Pang Long.

this moment.

Heaven and earth are silent.

Only the endless killing intent circulated.

A hint of despair flashed in Pang Long's heart.

"This old man is really unwilling, it would be great if Lu senior was there!" Pang Long thought to himself.

Then he squeezed the Quasi Emperor sword in his hand.


He will resist.

As long as there is one percent hope.

He will not give up.

"Don't think about resisting, you are the feast for this seat today, because resistance is useless, but the more you resist, the more excited this seat is!"

Dark Demon Venerable said lightly.

"Dark Demon Venerable, do you think there is no one in the Eastern Wasteland domain?" At this critical moment, a cold shout came from thousands of miles away.

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