The sound of this cold drink exploded like a thunder, and the void distorted.

With the sound of cold drinking came out.

The next moment.

The cultivator standing thousands of miles away saw that two figures arrived in front of Pang Long.

Block Pang Long behind him.

These two, a man and a woman.

The man is an old man, immortal, standing there, like a peerless Immortal King coming into the world, with a terrifying rhythm flowing all over his body, his eyes are like eagles.

The woman, who could not tell her specific age, held a twenty-mile-long ancient flute in her hand, with a sexy and graceful figure, plump and plump.

After this man and woman landed here.

Some cultivators standing thousands of miles away could not help but recognize these two people immediately.

"This is Lu Buju senior, the former sage master of Dongxuan Sacred Land, and Yiyi senior, the former sage of Zixiao Sacred Land. Now they are the ancestors of these two Sacred Lands. I didn't expect the two of them to arrive!"

"Ah, they are the ancestor of Dongxuan Sacred Land and the ancestor of Zixiao Sacred Land? No wonder the twenty centimeter-long ancient flute in the senior's hand gave me a feeling of deja vu. Since it came from Zixiao Sacred Land, It makes sense!"

"Yeah, Zixiao Sacred Land, whether it's the older generation or the younger generation, likes to play the 20-centimeter ancient flute or the ancient flute!"

"It's great, since the two great ancestors of Sacred Land have arrived, then this devil is probably going to die without a place to be buried!"

"Yes, it seems that today is a good day. If this devil dies, it is destined to be an extraordinary day for our Eastern Wasteland domain!"


After knowing that the man and woman standing in front of Pang Long at the moment were the ancestors of Dongxuan Sacred Land and Zixiao Sacred Land, many cultivators at this moment could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The two Sacred Land ancestors made a move, and the demon removal was basically stable.

"Thank you brother Lu Buju and sister Zhang Yiyi!" Pang Long naturally knew the two people in front of him.

After all, ten thousand years ago, the three of them were all Tianjiao disciples who were famous in Eastern Wasteland.

Of course, as a disciple of Sect, Pang Long's reputation is slightly inferior to that of Lu Buju and Zhang Yiyi in front of him.

"Brother Pang Long, you're welcome, we thought you were dead, but we didn't expect you to fall into a deep sleep!" Zhang Yiyi laughed.

Although Zhang Yiyi is very old.

But at this moment, there is no sense of age at all.

On the contrary, when Zhang Yiyi laughs, it gives people a very beautiful feeling.

This beauty hides the precipitation of the years.

For men, it is simply a big killer.

After all, no man can resist the beauty of a mature woman.

"Brother Pang Long, how is your injury?" Lu Buju asked.

"It's okay, it's just a slight injury!" Pang Long shook his head and said.

Originally, Pang Long was in extreme despair.

But at this moment, Pang Long's blood was ignited.

Pang Long felt that the three Quasi Emperors would definitely kill the devil in front of them.

"Wonderful, it's really wonderful. I originally wanted to go to your Sacred Land after destroying the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, but I didn't expect that two Quasi Emperors would come to give experience points to this seat in advance. This feeling is really How cool!" Looking at the three Quasi Emperors in front of him, the Dark Demon licked the corner of his mouth.

The Dark Demonic Venerable knew that the three people in front of him were not some kind of dying Quasi Emperor, but the blood in their bodies was very strong.

If this is swallowed.

Absolutely cool.

Once he devoured the blood of the three Quasi Emperors in front of him.

He should have recovered a lot from Cultivation Base.

Thus, in the Eastern Wasteland domain, he can walk sideways.

"Dark Demon Venerable, you are a human race, but you have poisoned the human race cultivators. Today is the end of the world for you. This old man wants to eliminate the demons!" Lu Buju stared at the incomparably beaten Dark Demon Venerable and said solemnly.

"Hmph, it's not enough for you, so let the three of you become the deity's blood food!" As for Lu Buju's words, the Dark Demon Venerable didn't take it to heart at all.

And it fell with the words of the Dark Demon Venerable.

The breath around the Dark Demon Venerable.

It spread out like a vast ocean.

When the breath of the Dark Demon Venerable was released.

The whole space is distorted.

The world turned into darkness.

The incessant demonic energy turned into a cage of heaven and earth, and it was swept towards Lu Buju, the ancestor of Dongxuan Sacred Land, Zhang Yiyi, the ancestor of Zixiao Sacred Land, and Pang Long, the ancestor of Wanjian Sect.

"We took action and killed this devil!" Lu Buju said.

"Okay!" Pang Long and Zhang Yiyi nodded at the same time.

"Heaven and earth are cut with a knife!"

After Pang Long and Zhang Yiyi nodded.

Lu Buju jumped into the air, releasing the breath all over his body, and at the same time a Quasi Emperor treasured saber appeared in his hand.

With Lu Buju burst out and shouted.

The Quasi Emperor treasured sword in his hand turned into a sky-shattering rainbow.

Cut out.

This knife carries an extremely terrifying energy vortex.

When this knife was cut out, in the void, a knife light about 90 meters long appeared.

Unparalleled power.

"Half Moon Song!"

After Lu Buqi made his move, Zhang Yiyi also made his move.

A light blue light appeared all over the body.

At the same time, a twenty-mile-long ancient flute was held in his mouth.

Then blow up.

With the sound of the flute.

The invisible blue waves turned into monstrous killing intent, like the light of the Milky Way, facing the net of heaven and earth bombarded by the Dark Demon Venerable.


at the same time.

Pang Long also shot.

In his hand, the Quasi Emperor sword rolled up with a terrifying sword glow.

Changed to Sword Qi Tianhe, and suddenly faced the attack of the Dark Demon.



Four violent and incomparable breaths collided violently.

A terrible roar echoed in all directions.

Aftermath rolls.

The sky turned completely dark all of a sudden.

The sun and the moon faded.

The world is twisted.

As if the end of the world is coming.

Cultivators standing thousands of miles away.

At this moment, I only feel the blood surging, and there is a feeling that my standing is unstable, and my breathing is about to stagnate.

"This... is too terrifying? This is still a battle between Quasi Emperors. If this is a battle between Great Emperors, how terrifying it must be!"

"Yeah, we'd better keep a distance, otherwise an aftermath will come and everyone will die!"

Many cultivators watched the confrontation between the three Quasi Emperors and the Dark Demon Venerable.

All of them could not help but shudder.

Then, one by one, they went backwards again to withdraw a long distance.

For fear that this terrifying battle would affect him.

After a violent collision, the attack of the three Quasi Emperors directly destroyed the attack of the Dark Demon Venerable.


A wave mixed with flute sounds and sword attacks came towards the Dark Demon Venerable.

"Break it for me!"

The Dark Demon Venerable let out a loud shout.

Punch out.

This punch seems to have traveled through the ages, and the nine Heavenly Demon kings blasted out from the void.

With the Dark Demon Venerable burst out.

A huge boxing shadow greeted the attacks of the three Quasi Emperors with a surging Heavenly Demon energy.


The next moment.

The wave of swords, lights, swords and flutes collided with this fist again.

After a collision.

The fist that the Dark Demon Venerable bombarded directly fell apart.


The Dark Demon Venerable groaned, and then stepped back.

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