Crazy? The Female Emperor's Disciple Wants To Live With Me?

Chapter 222 The Three Great Quasi Emperors Lost


The Dark Demon Venerable only stabilized his body after he had retreated for several kilometers.

But at the moment, the Dark Demon looked a little embarrassed.

A smear of blood oozes from the corner of his mouth.

"Very good, this Dark Demon Venerable is going to lose!"

"Yeah, the three Quasi Emperors beheaded the devil, and the Eastern Wasteland region is still bright. This is definitely a major event that can be recorded in history!"

"I'm very excited to see this devil injured, it feels better than if I slept with a beautiful girl!"

"That's right, if this devil is not eliminated, our Eastern Wasteland region will be completely panicked!"

When many cultivators saw this scene, they were all happy.

And the Dark Demon Venerable is still calm at the moment.

Wiping the blood on the corners of his mouth, he said, "You guys, you have completely aroused the anger of this seat. Next, this seat will make your life worse than death. You think that there are two Quasi Emperor Realm Third Stages and one Quasi Emperor Realm First Stage. Can I kill this seat just by being there? It's ridiculous!"

With the words of the Dark Demon Venerable fell.


The next moment.

Within the body of the Dark Demon Venerable, a harsh roar broke out.

Immediately afterwards, everyone could clearly see that at this moment, the Gloom Demon Venerable had a dazzling rune light all over his body.

At the same time, the whole body swelled up rapidly.


In the end, the Dark Demon Venerable directly tore the clothes on his body.

The clothes on his body turned into rags and fluttered in the sky.

The Dark Demon Venerable at this moment looks like an ancient giant.

Tall and intimidating.

After a breath of air spewed out from the whole body.

Makes the sky and the earth twist violently.

"He is demonizing, hurry up and kill him, otherwise once he is successfully demonized, we will surely die!" At this moment, Lu Buju looked at the changes in the body of the dark demon in front of him, and his face changed.

Lu Buju knew very well that this ancient demon clan had a very terrifying Cultivation Technique, which was called the Great Power of Demonization.

Once cultivation is a Cultivation Technique, it can be demonized during battle.

As a result, Cultivation Base has been greatly improved.


After hearing Lu Buju's words, Pang Long took the lead.

The sword in his hand slashed out.


The former saint of Zixia Sacred Land, Yiyi, also did not dare to be slighted. The ancient flute in his mouth and the small cherry mouth became one, and then he played it.


Lu Buju also displayed his most powerful Secret Technique, and then cut it out.

"Hehe, over your own strength, give me death, you guys have angered me!" Demon Venerable Gloom shouted as he stepped on his thighs like a pillar.

With the Dark Demon Venerable burst out.

Punch out.

The power of this punch was dozens of times more powerful than the punch just now.

After this punch was thrown, the cultivators present felt an unparalleled demonic energy tumbling in the sky.

This demonic energy carries a terrifying power of corrosion, as if it can destroy everything.

All things withered quickly in front of this demonic energy.

The spring-filled land just now became extremely miserable when the Dark Demon Venerable punched it out.

It makes you feel as if you are entering winter.


Under the shock and incredible gaze of people.

This punch from the Dark Demon Venerable collided violently with the bombardment of the three Quasi Emperors.

Then everyone saw the all-out blow from the three Quasi Emperors.

It actually disintegrated like destroying dry and rotten, and collapsed in the void.


That fist with a surging Heavenly Demon energy came directly towards Lu Buju and the other three Quasi Emperors.

Facing this fist with a terrifying aura.

Lu Buju, Zhang Yiyi and Pang Long both felt a powerful threat to their lives.

The three of them all had a kind of trembling from their bones.

The faces of the three Quasi Emperors changed drastically.

"Go back!" Lu Buzu shouted loudly.

As Lu Buju's words fell, the three Quasi Emperors quickly retreated backwards.

Speed ​​to the extreme.

However, the three Quasi Emperors still underestimated the power of this punch.


These three Quasi Emperors were hit by this fist.

Then the three Quasi Emperors groaned.

The whole person flew upside down like a broken kite.




The three Quasi Emperors finally fell to the ground after hitting countless trees and buildings.

Huge pits were smashed into the ground.


The entire space was dead silent.

"Cough cough!"

The three Quasi Emperors crawled out of the big pit with difficulty.

The three Quasi Emperors at this moment are pale and frightening.


The blood was spitting out desperately from the mouth.

"Ah...this...the three Quasi Emperors are not opponents?"

"It's over, the Eastern Wasteland domain is over, I feel that the Quasi Emperors of the other major Sacred Lands are coming, and it's useless!"

"This devil is so terrifying, who can suppress this devil!"

"I wonder if Lu senior can be his opponent?"

"But Lu Senior isn't here. Now this devil is waiting to devour the Blood Essence of the three Quasi Emperors. Who knows what will happen next?"

Many people saw this scene, and their hearts were desperate to the freezing point.

"Are you going to die here today?" Not to mention the despair of the people present, even Lu Buju and Zhang Yiyi were desperate to the extreme.

Because even in their heyday, they were no match for the Quasi Emperor Realm Fifth Stage.

Now they are hurt.

Not even the opponent of this devil.

After a while, once the three of them failed, they were devoured by the Devil's Blood Essence.

Then this devil is estimated to be invincible in the entire Eastern Wasteland domain.

"No, we are underestimating the enemy!" Zhang Yiyi said bitterly, at this moment Zhang Yiyi's beautiful face looked extremely pale.

All of a sudden it seems to be a few decades old.

Being able to enter the Quasi Emperor, that young age, is also a peerless existence in the famous Eastern Wasteland domain.

And this moment.

They were going to die.

The key is to die in the hands of a devil.

It would be unsatisfactory to change to anyone.

But what about that?

The devil in front of him can't be beat at all.

in this ageless age.

Once the Dark Demon Venerable is restored to its peak.

The entire Nebula Continent is probably in trouble.

Unless the world's masters attack this devil together.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but have a dark cloud shrouded in their hearts.

And Pang Long is also quickly calculating at this moment.


Pang Long's frown stretched out.

Because Pang Long thought of a terrifying existence that could kill this devil.

"Brother Buju, sister Yiyi, do you believe me?" Pang Long asked Lu Buju and Zhang Yiyi.

Zhang Yiyi and Lu Buju: "??????"

The two were stunned in their hearts.

Of course I believed it.

If I didn't believe it, I wouldn't have fought with you just now.

Now everyone is a grasshopper on the same boat.

or die!

Either live!

But everyone still prefers the latter.

Although it was unclear what the meaning of Pang Long's question was, both of them couldn't help but nodded.

"If that's the case, then you run away with me, I have a way!" Pang Long said.

After Pang Long finished speaking, he swallowed a Medicine Pill, then stood up abruptly from the ground, spread his feet, turned into a phantom, and jumped forward.

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