Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1024: Corpse Slaves!

"Oh, what is your expression, are you unhappy to have a lovely daughter like me?" Tian Yiner stared at Xiao Chen fiercely.

"No." Xiao Chen said hurriedly.

"Forgive you for not dare!" Tian Yin'er said proudly, and suddenly leaned on Xiao Chen and sniffed.

"Aura of good fortune, and the aura of Nether Fire." Tian Yin'er suddenly said, "Could it be that Tian Dao'er and Tian Yan'er have seen you?"

"Do you know them both?"

"Tian Dao'er is the second sister, Tian Yan'er is the third sister." Tian Yin'er said casually, "Dad Xiao Chen, do you want to know the relationship between our ten sisters?"

Tianyiner said mysteriously.

Xiao Chen nodded, there were too many doubts in his heart.

"Oh, you want to know, but I just didn't tell you!" Tianyin laughed loudly: "Since they have left you gifts, I will give you some gifts too!"

As the voice fell, a strange flame appeared in Tianyin'er's hand, glowing with green light, looking gloomy.

"This is a corpse fire, although not as good as the nether fire, but it is also a rare flame in the world. Use the nether fire to absorb it. The nether fire is stronger, and the corpse fire is also the nemesis of some interesting things. It will help you in the future."

The voice fell, and the corpse fire floated in front of Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen subconsciously stretched out his hand, and the ghost fire flashed in his palm, instantly engulfing it.

"By the way, there is still a gift for you!" Tian Yiner's little hand gently pointed to Xiao Chen's forehead. The next moment, Xiao Chen had a lot of information in his mind.

"I have been in this world for too long. I can't hold on anymore. I will leave first. By the way, there is one more thing you have to remember. I come from a place higher than the immortal world. Come and see me soon. Oh."

Tian Yin'er's voice fell, and the whole person disappeared directly. Only Xiao Chen and the others were left looking at the direction of Tian Yin'er disappearing.

Xiao Chen had too many shocks, but what he was most shocked was the memory left by Tian Yiner, which was precisely the method of controlling the corpse, and also left an army of corpse slaves, which formed the army of corpse slaves. The corpse slaves are impressively famous experts in the fairyland.

If Xianyu knows the situation of the corpse slave army, I am afraid that he will become the public enemy of the Xianyu, because there are ancestors of various forces, and strong men who died in battle. The ancestral graves have been planed.

A bit of cold rose in Xiao Chen's heart.

However, the method of controlling the corpse is very strong, even Xiao Chen has to obey it!

"It's rare for us to get together, let's have a meal together here." Chu Yunmeng's voice awakened Xiao Chen.


None of the girls objected, and Tian Xing'er did not go back. They sat together, and soon Xia Ruoxi and Duanmu Qinghan also came, followed by Dongfang Jinlong and others.

There were more and more people, and finally it became a big party. Everyone was eating and drinking and having fun, maybe because tomorrow is a big battle, maybe because there is no chance after tomorrow, everyone’s face is full of smiles. .

In the end, the entire Star City became lively, and the buildings that were finally built were broken into empty places, and finally became a bonfire party throughout the city.


In the open space in front of the Ten Thousand Ghost Caves, Xiao Chen stood at the forefront, and on the left and right were the eight deputy sovereigns headed by Chu Yunmeng.

A group of people behind, these are all the masters of the immortal emperor in the entire ancient battlefield, there are nearly five hundred people.

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