Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2141: Go to the holy world!

"This is the origin of the saint. After breaking through the saint, there will be some feedback from the origin of the saint, which can benefit one party." Mu Yun appeared beside Xiao Chen and said softly.

"Is this the origin of the holy!" Xiao Chen murmured, and at this moment, a mysterious force guided these auras and appeared in the four directions of the celestial star field in the southeast, northwest, and under the four origin trees. absorb.

"As long as more saints break through, the sky star field will soon become a star field with the origin of the holy." A green scaled human form appeared beside Xiao Chen.

"The saint is not good for breakthroughs!" Xiao Chen said. In fact, he also searched for the broken sacred pill in the Kengyuan Value Mall, but the price of the broken sacred pill is not cheap.

One million pit margins, if it were placed before the system upgrade, Xiao Chen would buy dozens of eyes without blinking, but after the system upgrade, he only had 500,000 pit margins left, and his life would be awful again. .

After a long time, after everything calmed down, Mu Yun and Qinglin left, and at this moment, Tian Xing'er's voice suddenly rang.

"The Celestial Domain must continue to expand!"

"Xing'er, are you awake?" Xiao Chen asked when looking at Tian Xing'er.

"Yeah." Tian Xing'er nodded, and then went directly out of the sky with Xiao Chen into the starry sky.

Countless starlight appeared on Tian Xing'er again, heading towards the Burying God Realm and the Semi-Holy Realm.

Half a day later, the entire Burial God Realm and Semi-Holy Realm all appeared in the Celestial Star Realm. As Tian Xing'er's strength increased, only the sub-sage pinnacle powerhouse discovered the extraordinary.

Xiao Chen's eyes moved, and with the help of Qinglin, all the sub-sage peak powerhouses in the Burying God Realm and the Semi-Holy Realm all appeared beside Xiao Chen, including Qian Mian and Ten Thousand Wounds.

"This is my inner world!" Xiao Chen said straightforwardly.


Hearing that, all the powerhouses were shocked, including Mu Wan, Mu Wuji, Feng Xiaoyao and others, looking at Xiao Chen in disbelief.

What kind of method is this, without disturbing ordinary people, directly into the entire semi-sacred world into the inner world.

"Next, I am going to the Holy Realm. After I reach the Holy Realm, I will inform you that you can choose to stay in my inner world or practice in the Holy Realm. What you have to do now is to appease your respective sects. That's it."

Xiao Chen continued.

"Go to the Holy Realm?"

Hearing this, all the strong were shocked again. The Holy Realm was their holy place for cultivation. They were looking forward to going to the Holy Realm, but because there was no way, they could only think about it. At this time, they heard Xiao Chen's words. Look at him.

"Do you know how to get to the Holy Realm?" Wanshang couldn't help asking. Xiao Chen didn't deal with the two of them. They were still grateful to Xiao Chen. At this time, they heard that Xiao Chen was going to the Holy Realm. I am excited.

"I naturally have my channels, you just have to wait with peace of mind." Xiao Chen said.

"I'll see it later." Qianmian and Wanshang said excitedly. After Xiao Chen showed their strength, they had long stopped treating Xiao Chen as a semi-sage.

Xiao Chen briefly said a few more words, and then he left the celestial star field and came to the vast starry sky.

Xiao Chen didn't hesitate anymore, urging the Blue Saint Palace mark in his forehead. The next moment, a burst of light appeared, and the figure enveloping Xiao Chen disappeared into the starry sky.

"I don't know how long it will take to get to the Blue Saint Palace?" Xiao Chen muttered within the teleportation array light. Around him, there was only the teleportation array light. I don't know where he is or how much he has gone. Long time.

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