Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2142: Borrow a corpse to be born again!

I don’t know how long it took. Xiao Chen suddenly felt the teleportation tremor shake, and then Xiao Chen found that the teleportation array was squeezed by a powerful force. Xiao Chen's expression changed drastically. Before he could make any movements, it was powerful. The power has smashed the teleportation array.

And the next moment, his physical body was also completely broken, but at this moment, the system spit out milky white light, enveloping Xiao Chen's holy soul, and then Xiao Chen's consciousness began to blur.

I don't know how long it took.

It seems to be a breath, and it seems to be a year.

Xiao Chen's consciousness became increasingly blurred, and when he was in a coma, there was a cold voice from the system.

"Deduct 100 billion pit margin value!"


The Holy Realm, the Nine Stars Territory, the first-class planet on the Xiao Family Continent.

Xiao Family Mansion.

At this time, the mansion was filled with lights and festoons, and it was very lively, with happy characters posted everywhere, which was obviously a happy event.

In the new house, a milky white line suddenly fell into the new house without disturbing anyone.

In the new house, lying next to the underground corner was a young man in a happy suit, but the young man was pale and smelled of alcohol. He was obviously already drunk.

On the bed, a pair of young men and women were leaning against the phoenix. After the cloud and rain, the woman leaned on the man.

At this moment, the young man lying on the ground suddenly stood up, with confusion in his eyes.

"Brother Feng, didn't you say that he is going to be drunk until dawn? Why is he waking up now." The woman said.

"What are you afraid of, even if he wakes up, what can he do? Even if the young master slept with his wife on the wedding night, he wouldn't dare to put one in a fart." The man glanced at the young man and said without paying attention.

"That's what I said, to be so useless to him, if it weren't for a good sister, how could my father marry me to him." The woman said, her words full of complaints.

"Okay, ignore him, let's continue!" The couple completely ignored the young people on the ground and continued to make affectionate.

At this time, the young man on the ground stood in a daze, looking as if he was stupid, and this young man was Xiao Chen. At this time, there were ten thousand wild beasts running by in his heart, and his heart was dying. Yes.

"The Green Saint Palace governs the next level planet, the Xiao Family Continent... The Xiao Family, the strongest family in the Xiao Family Continent... Xiao Chen, the young master of the Xiao Family..."

The intermittent information, organized together, gave Xiao Chen a general understanding of his own situation.

His body was shattered, and his holy soul was reborn with the help of other bodies. What surprised him was that his body was not only called Xiao Chen, but also had exactly the same appearance, except that his age was a little bit younger. Eighteen years old.

The Xiao Family Continent is a first-class planet, and the planets are classified according to the concentration of the origin of the holy. The first-class planet is the lowest class, and there are countless first-class planets like this in the holy world.

The Xiao Family Continent where Xiao Chen was reborn belonged to the Nine Stars Region, the jurisdiction of Qingsheng Palace.

"It's still under the jurisdiction of Qingsheng Palace, but the strength of this level planet is not very good."

The Xiao Family is the overlord of the entire Xiao Family Continent, and the strongest is only one saint, but the sub-sage pinnacle and even the sub-sage strong are countless.

Xiao Chen's current identity is the Young Patriarch of the Xiao Family. His father is the contemporary Patriarch, his grandfather is the only saint of the Xiao Family, and his sister is an inner disciple of the Qingsheng Palace.

In terms of status, Xiao Chen's status in the Xiao family is quite high.

But when it comes to strength, Xiao Chen's cultivation is a bit pitiful, only half-sage triple.

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