Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2303: Savior!

The sudden sound of the system caused Xiao Chen's expression to stagnate. This system is really a face-smasher. He just said that he is not the savior, and it triggered the savior's mission.

In addition, Ling Tian forging succeeded, which is good news.

"The main task, it seems that it won't work if you don't accept it." Xiao Chen said in his heart, and then he took the main task directly with a thought.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for accepting the savior of the main quest!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the players for obtaining the Heavenly Star Sect Guardian Array: The Wrath of the Sky Star!

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the Sky Star Sect Teleportation Array: The Speed ​​of Sky Star!"

"The offensive and defensive protective sect array is quite strong. After it is set up, try its power, but this is the Heavenly Star Sect Protector Array, and only members of the Heavenly Star Sect can activate it.

Thought flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes.

"The speed of the teleportation array Tianxinger is simple to arrange, simple to consume, and I can use it at will. I can think of any Tianxingzong station. This is a good formation."

"It seems that the system cares about this task very much." Xiao Chen muttered in his heart, only accepting the task, he received two great rewards, and he didn't know what task rewards would be after completion.

"Brother righteous, I am your righteous sister, so you have the heart to look at the forces that I have worked so hard to build, are they so ruined?" Chu Yun said pitifully.

Seeing Chu Yun's appearance, Xiao Chen felt a chill. These days, Chu Yun always pretended to be a pitiful face in front of Xiao Rulong and Xiao Yu, which made him have no temper at all.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, I can promise to help you, but I have one condition." Xiao Chen said.

"Brother Yi has any conditions, just say it." Chu Yun said happily.

"I want the Gang of Four Seas to merge into my Sky Star Sect." Xiao Chen said lightly.


Hearing that, Chu Yun, Qingsheng, Kantiandi, Cang Shuo and others all looked at Xiao Chen in shock, and asked the Sihai Gang to merge into the Sky Star Sect. This is simply a lion's opening!

"Brother Yi, your conditions are too excessive," Chu Yun said with a ugly expression.

"The conditions are a bit excessive, but I can guarantee that as long as the Sihai Gang joins the Sky Star Sect, I can guarantee that I will help you through this crisis. You will consider it carefully."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen looked at Qingsheng again and said, "Qingsheng, for the sake of my apprentice Chen Yu, you Qingsheng Palace can also join my Ling Tianzong, and then you can keep Qingsheng Palace intact. You can go back and meet Qingci discuss it."

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Qing Sheng was not angry, but thought flashed in his eyes.

Then Xiao Chen looked at Xiao Rulong and said, "Grandpa, let's go out. I have one thing I want to tell you."

With that said, Xiao Chen took Xiao Rulong and walked out of the secret room.

"Qingsheng, that kid actually called your name directly, don't you feel angry at all?" Looking at the pensive Qingsheng, Jian Tiandi asked with some doubts.

Qing Sage didn't pay attention to regrets at all. He has been thinking about Xiao Chen's words, is he really capable of protecting Qing Sage Palace?

Jian Tiandi looked at Chu Yun and Qing Sheng who were in deep thought, and looked at each other with Cang Shuo. Both Chu Yun and Qing Sheng were both big figures. How could they be lost in thought because of the words of a sub-sage junior. In the middle, are they considering Xiao Chen's words, this is too absurd.

After Xiao Chen and Xiao Rulong walked out of the secret room, Xiao Chen also invited Xiao Rulong to take the Xiao family to join the Sky Star Sect.

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