Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2304: The scene of the car accident!

"Chen'er, although I am the head of the Xiao family, the Xiao family is not my sole decision. I need to discuss it with others." Xiao Rulong said.

"Okay, grandpa, I have something to do when I return to the Dark King City. I will take Sister Yu'er to the Dark King City first. After you have discussed it, I can send someone to the Dark King City to find me."

Xiao Chen said, and then said goodbye to Xiao Rulong, found Xiao Yu, and then headed towards the Dark King City.

A few days later, in the Dark King City, Xiao Chen found Lin Yuan Xiaomianhu and others, and then taught Lin Yuan the method of arrangement and operation of the Heavenly Star Sect Guardian Array and Teleportation Array. Lin Yuan immediately led everyone to take action. .

In just five days, the Wrath of Tian Xing'er of the Guardian Formation has been successfully deployed. The Guardian Formation is divided into defensive and attacking formations. However, the attacking formation depends on the strength of the main formation. The stronger, the stronger the attack formation!

Xiao Chen showed up in the starry sky with Lin Yuan and other powerful sages. Xiao Chen said to Lin Yuan, "You will attack this sect with an attacking formation for a while, and this sect will try the power of the formation!"

"It's the Sect Master!" Lin Yuan said, and then all returned to the Dark King City with the smiling tiger and others, appearing in different directions. As they began to urge the formation, the sacred power of the entire Dark King slowly condensed, and gradually, A ghost of the sky appeared above the Dark King City.

"Wrath of Tianxinger!"

Lin Yuan's voice resounded throughout the Dark King City, and then Tian Xing'er's phantom suddenly opened his eyes, and then a fist that occupies almost half of the starry sky hit Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen felt the power on his fist, and his expression was a little solemn. He mobilized the sacred power in his body and urged the sacred bones, holding his arms in front of him, and the next moment, the huge fist had fallen on Xiao Chen.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Chen's entire body flew out, and in the blink of an eye, he had already flown out of the planet of Dark King City.

"A manifestation of the saint main formation can actually punch me flying. It seems that this guardian formation is really powerful." Xiao Chen looked at the retreating planet, with surprises flashing in his eyes.

"But when will I fly to stop!"

Xiao Chen felt a little speechless again.

At this moment, a battleship suddenly appeared behind him. Xiao Chen didn't have any precautions, and his whole body directly rammed the battleship. Suddenly the entire battleship fell apart, and there were many exclamations from the battleship.

"I'm a boy, is this the scene of the car accident? It's really horrible!" Xiao Chen's speed also slowed down due to the obstruction of the battleship. Then he stabilized his figure and looked at the tragic scene ahead. How to describe it.

Many figures emerged from the battleship, most of which were already injured.

"Miss, are you okay?" Among the group of people, there was a woman who looked very weak, followed by a maid, and two old men dressed as guards, who was looking at the woman with a worried expression.

"I'm fine." The woman shook her head, her face was a bit pale, and there were blood stains on her mouth.

"Damn it, who is attacking us?" The maid couldn't help cursing.

"That, I'm sorry!" At this moment, a somewhat apologetic voice sounded. Upon hearing the voice, the woman and the others were shocked for an instant. Then they all looked in the direction of the voice and saw Xiao Chen at first glance.

"Who are you?" A guard glanced at Xiao Chen and shouted coldly, but after seeing that Xiao Chen had only the breath of A Saint Peak, he breathed a sigh of relief.

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