Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2322: Feast of killing!

Above the Blue Saint Palace, the giant star fist collided with the old man's palm print, but the next moment, the old man was shocked that the palm print and star fist collided at the moment the palm print was broken.

Then a huge star fist fell on the old man in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, and then on the battleship. With a loud noise, the old man and the battleship were all knocked off and disappeared into the depths of the starry sky.

"If the old body didn't feel wrong, the old man just now was at least a powerful man who was a Manifestation of Sage and Great Perfection. I didn't expect to be beaten by a fist with a battleship. With such a strong formation, the Nine Star Territory is worry-free!

The ancestor Qingci murmured, shocked flashes in his eyes, but there were more surprises. Qingsheng and others were about the same as the ancestor Qingci, too strong, simply too strong, it was just a punch, and the future All the enemy forces flew, and I don't know if they are dead or alive.

The same scene appeared outside of many planets. The powerhouses on many planets, such as Shanshan Palace and Canglong Palace, were full of surprises.

As soon as the battle of the pilgrimage began, the powerhouses of other star regions had already been defeated, and they didn't even know what happened.

Somewhere outside the planet, many teams gathered. At this time, they all looked embarrassed, and their faces were still confused.

"What the **** is going on, how can this weakest Nine Star Territory have such a strong formation!"

"Yes, I don't know what happened. Many of us have already been beaten up and some of us were killed on the spot."

"I don't know what happened to the adults. If the adults don't make a move, I'm afraid we won't be able to break the formation at all."

All kinds of voices came from the team, messy.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out from a nearby planet, and arrived in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

Everyone looked at this figure.

"Xiao Chen, Sect Master of the Nine Star Territory Sky Star Sect of this sect, now give you three breaths of time to consider, surrender to the Sky Star Sect, and wait for your life, otherwise you will kill you!"

Xiao Chen said coldly.

"Where is the hairy boy, talking nonsense here!"

"This kid is from the Nine Stars Territory, grab him and ask for the details of the formation from his mouth!"

"Alright, do it!"

"The time for three breaths has passed." Xiao Chen said indifferently. He stretched out his right hand and started the collapse. In the crowd, explosions, screams, blasts, roars, and killing sounds were intertwined in the starry sky. A special voice was formed.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for upgrading, the current saint mid-term!"

Xiao Chen traveled between various planets through the teleportation array, and then came to the starry sky, as long as he did not descend, he would never show mercy.

In the starry sky, the killing continued, the blood flow continued, and the strong from other star regions continued to die in the starry sky.

However, Xiao Chen didn't commit too many killings, only killing the strongest among them and those who did not surrender. More and more powerful surrenders were marked by Xiao Chen with the green scales and locked in the star field.

For days and nights, Xiao Chen continued to shuttle across the planets. All the Nine-Star Territory came to the enemy, either killed or captured. The local powerhouses of the Nine-Star Territory, including Qingci Patriarch, Cang Shuo, Kantiandi, and Chu Yun Waiting for someone is like dreaming.

Even Chen Qing and others were dumbfounded.

At this time in the Celestial Star Territory, under the arrangement of Mu Yun and others, all the captives were arranged on various unowned planets. As these powerhouses moved into the unowned planets, these planets began to glow with vitality. In time, these The planet will never fall below any planet in the Nine Star Territory.

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