Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2323: Brother Chaotian Palace!

Xiao Chen looked at the vitality that was constantly emanating, his divine consciousness continued to increase, and the power of faith in the suzerain token was also increasing, and he now had the perfect cultivation base of a saint, and the sacred body of the gods was adding the strength of the holy bones. , The physical strength has also reached an indescribable level.

"The main quest has not been completed. Is it because the disciples of Chaotian Palace have not come?" Xiao Chen took a look at the system quests. The pilgrimage battle is not only a battle in various star regions, Chaotian Palace disciples will also join in the killing!

Xiao Chen's gaze condensed, he walked out of the Celestial Star Domain, and then came to the Heavenly Star Sect Hall of the Dark King City.

Then a few sacred crystals appeared in his hands, and he began to practice cross-legged, waiting for the arrival of Chaotian Palace disciples.

Three days have passed since this day. On this day, Xiao Chen in the hall suddenly opened his eyes.

"Is it finally here?"

Xiao Chen murmured, the next moment, Xiao Chen had disappeared in the hall.

At the border of the Nine Star Territory, a battleship suddenly appeared. On the battleship stood a group of white-clothed youths. There were about 30 people, including men and women. Each of them exuded a powerful atmosphere.

At the front of them, there was a man and a woman, handsome men and beautiful women, and the people behind them looked respectful and admired.

"Big brother, this nine-star field is really desolate. After staying here for a long time, I am afraid that the cultivation base will regress." The woman glanced around and frowned.

"Strange." The big brother Chaotiangong frowned slightly, and the color of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"What's wrong, big brother?" the woman asked with some confusion.

"The battle of the pilgrimage itself is a feast of killings, and this time there are five or six star regions jointly attacking the nine star regions, why I only feel some **** breath, but not too much killing?" Senior brother frowned.

"Big brother, why do you think so much? Let's go and see if we know." The woman said.

The big brother nodded, and the battleship disappeared quickly. When they saw the first planet, they couldn't believe what they saw. The planet in front of them was quiet and peaceful, and as before, there was no trace of a war.

"What's going on, isn't it that the war has not spread to this place?" The woman frowned slightly.

"No, the other star regions should be divided into regions. In this pilgrimage battle, the other star regions completely annihilated the Nine Star Regions. It has been several days. It is impossible for the flames of war to not reach here."

The big brother said solemnly.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a bright light appearing in the lower planet. Then, this bright light came towards them, and finally turned into Xiao Chen's figure and appeared in front of them.

"You should belong to Chaotian Palace, right?"

Xiao Chen looked at the big brother and the others, and asked lightly.

"Who are you?" Senior Brother glanced at Xiao Chen and asked with a frown.

"Introduce myself. My name is Xiao Chen. I am the overlord of the Nine Star Territory. The pilgrimage battle has ended. All the powerhouses in other star regions have been defeated. Go back wherever you came from."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"What did you say?" The big brother's expression changed slightly, and then he said in a deep voice.

"I said the pilgrimage battle is over. Go back wherever you came from. I said so clearly that you can't understand it. Is it because your brain is not working?"

Xiao Chen tilted his elder brother.

"I heard what you said very clearly, and I understand everything, but what you said is absolutely impossible. Any star field participating in the battle of the pilgrimage is stronger than the nine-star field, so how can they be defeated."

Big brother said lightly.

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