Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2444: Enter the Duanmu family!

"I don't want to." Xiao Chen said lightly.

Hearing that, the lady's expression was cold again, and she looked at Xiao Chen and said coldly: "You are really a piece of wood and cannot be carved, and you are not like those two at all."

Xiao Chen smiled and didn't reply.

"At the beginning, my master and mistress were kind to me. You are their only son. I have a responsibility to take care of you. My wife belongs to the Duanmu family. You married one of my two daughters and became the son-in-law of the Duanmu family. At least you can Keep you safe forever."

The middle-aged man thought for a while, and with Xiao Chen's current performance, he had no other ideas at all, he just wanted to keep the last trace of the blood of the master and mistress.

"What, marry him, father is absolutely impossible!" The middle-aged man's voice fell, and the two women had already opened the door and said loudly.

"This matter has not been discussed." Madam turned her head and said coldly.

When the two women heard this, their faces were full of grievances, but they didn't dare to contradict their mother's words, they just stared at Xiao Chen fiercely.

"You two are too funny, you two daughters are so ugly, how can you be worthy of my honorable status."

It's just that Xiao Chen's next sentence almost made their eyes pop out, and they even dared to say that they were ugly. This was the first time they heard it, and they wanted to burst into flames in their eyes.

Don't talk about them, even the middle-aged couple's face is ugly, they even want to punch someone.

"But I heard that Duanmu Lingyun, the proud daughter of the Duanmu family, is a rare beauty. Since you belong to the Duanmu family, there must be a way to show me the beauty." Xiao Chen looked at the middle-aged man indifferently.

"What do you think you are, what qualifications do you have to see Miss Lingyun?"

"That's it, I don't look at my own virtues, I'm so sage, I dare to dislike our ugliness!"

As soon as Xiao Chen's voice fell, the two women had already ridiculed, and the middle-aged man also disliked Xiao Chen's attitude and did not stop it.

Xiao Chen ignored them, but just looked at the middle-aged man and said calmly: "You can say if you can do it. If you can't, you can go."

"Miss Lingyun’s wedding is coming soon, no one will see it, but for the sake of the master and mistress’s kindness to me back then, I can take you to live in the Duanmu family for a period of time, but I advise you to stay calm. Point, if something goes wrong, I won’t help you."

The middle-aged man said coldly, if it wasn't for the master and mistress, he wouldn't even bother to talk to Xiao Chen.

"Then go." Xiao Chen said.

"Your identity is very special. Although so many years have passed, accidents will inevitably occur. In the future, you will call me Uncle Gong and Aunt Yan, I will say that you are the orphan of my brother-in-law." Uncle Gong looked at Xiao Chen.

"Understood, it's really long-winded." Xiao Chen said impatiently.

Uncle Gong gave a cold snort, and then led Xiao Chen to the Duanmu family.

Uncle Gong and Aunt Yan are both at the pinnacle of Little Saints. They live in the middle area of ​​Duanmu's house. The environment is very good. Uncle Gong arranged for Xiao Chen to stay in the guest room, and arranged some waiters and servants, and asked Xiao Chen not to run around. , And left.

"This is an unexpected joy. I didn't expect that I would just enter the Duanmu family, and I don't know where Qingluan is." Xiao Chen sat in the room with a faint smile in his eyes.

"But I did come in, but this Duanmu family is very big, at least dozens of times bigger than the palace in mortals, and there are so many powerful people, and I can't detect it with my spiritual sense. How can I find Qingluan, or wait until it's big Wedding day."

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