Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2445: Butler Zhao!

Soon after, Xiao Chen fell into contemplation again. The Duanmu family is a member of the advanced star realm. There are not only small saints but also great saints. It is unintentionally impolite to use spiritual sense to probe. It's not easy to solve.

"You two come in." Xiao Chen said, the voice fell, the door was opened, and the two servants walked in.

"I have seen the son."

Xiao Chen glanced at the two of them. They were both saints at the later stage of cultivation. Those who can use the saints at the later stage of cultivation as servants are probably the only ten saints.

Xiao Chen glanced at the system space, picked two eighth-rank sacred artifacts that had not been recovered from it, and then floated to the two of them, and said, "This is a meeting gift from my son, take it."

The two servants looked at the eighth-rank sacred artifacts in front of them, and their eyes flashed shocked. Although the Duanmu family did not lack the eighth-rank sacred artifacts at all, these had nothing to do with them at all. They did not expect that the newly arrived son would actually So generous, the shot is two pieces of eighth-grade holy artifacts.

"My son, this is too expensive, we can't take it." A servant hurriedly said.

"Tell you, my son has a bad temper and kills people at every turn. If you don't accept it, you won't give me face, my son will be unhappy." Xiao Chen's voice instantly cooled down, and there was a slaughter. Meaning, shrouded in two people.

Feeling this killing intent, the expressions of the two servants changed drastically, and they couldn't figure out what the new master said. They were so scared that they hurriedly put away the sacred artifacts in front of them.

"These sacred crystals are also for you, but after receiving the sacred crystals, you have to answer a few questions for me." Xiao Chen waved his hand and dozens of sacred crystals appeared in front of the two. The two of them did not dare to hesitate. Jing closed up.

"Some time ago, a new lady appeared in the Duanmu family, named Duanmu Qingluan, do you know?" Xiao Chen asked.

"This... Young Master, we are just servants with low status and we don't know these things." A servant said blushing, taking the short hand of the other person, and he just took the Young Master's Eighth Stage Saint Artifact and Saint Crystal. Without knowing this, he was a little embarrassed.

In fact, Xiao Chen didn't intend to ask anything from the second population, but just continued: "Then do you know anyone who might know this matter?"

Another servant thought for a while and said: "Young Master, Manager Zhao may know that he has an older brother who is an attendant next to the housekeeper of Duanmu."

"Yes, son, this housekeeper usually relies on his brother as a prestige. In this yard, apart from the old lady, the young master and the two young ladies, this housekeeper Zhao is the biggest."

"Take me to find him." Xiao Chen stood up and said.

"My son, this steward Zhao is not easy to get along with, and my son, you are just here, I'm afraid he won't give him a good face." One of the servants couldn't help saying.

"A big fist is the last word." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"My son, although we were only assigned to serve my son, my son, there are some things we have to tell you clearly. The brother of the housekeeper Zhao, but many of the children of the Duanmu family let him get three points." Another servant Dao, he wanted to persuade Xiao Chen not to offend Steward Zhao, and it was not easy to meet such a generous master, he didn't want this master to die like this.

"My son knows in his heart, let's lead the way." Xiao Chen said lightly.

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