Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2455: Name consecutively!

Duanju Star Territory, Demon Devil Abyss, Xiao San looked at Xiao Chen exuding billowing devilish energy, shock flashed in his eyes, after a long time, he couldn't help asking: "Are you a human or a demon?"

"Is it important to be a man or a devil?" Xiao Chen asked back.

"Isn't it important?"

"Of course, what you do depends on your heart, and it has nothing to do with what it is." Xiao Chen said lightly: "By the way, I also have a way to make you exude devilish energy. In this case, when you walk in the abyss of exterminating demon, Much more convenient."

"What way?" Xiao San pondered for a moment, and was not arguing with Xiao Chen. She entered the abyss of exterminating demons to solve the monster problem. No matter what method is used, as long as it can be solved.

"As long as you believe me." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Okay." Xiao Chen nodded and pulled Xiaosan into the skill inheritance space, and he himself entered the world of battle spirits, saving him time.

A few hours after the Demon Extinguishing Abyss, Xiao Chen and Xiao San had reappeared, but at this time Xiao San could also be demonized, and the devilish energy on his body was rolling, and the pressure was much stronger than Xiao Chen.

"Take your demon power, do you want to attract the demon king now?" Xiao Chen said.

"I feel that I now have the strength to fight the devil." Xiao San said hoarsely, with a kind of majesty in his words.

"Don't be silly, there are thousands of Demon Kings in the Little Sage Realm in this Demon Extinguishing Abyss. They are enough for you to drink a pot. You still want to deal with the Demon Lord." Xiao Chen rolled his eyes.

Xiao San's expression was stunned for a moment, then he withdrew Mo Wei, apparently she had agreed with Xiao Chen's words.

"According to the news that Xiao Yun has detected, the monsters in this abyss of exterminating demons are very intelligent and have established tribes. We will use the nearest tribe as the foundation and slowly conquer these monsters."

Xiao Chen said that Xiao Yun could get news from all the monsters in her command. Although she did not move, there were countless monsters inquiring about the news for her.

"How do you plan to subdue these monsters?" Xiaosan asked.

"It just looks." Xiao Chen said lightly, and then under Xiao Yun's guidance, he came to a small tribe. This tribe was formed by a demon king and several demon heads. After Yun's breath, the demon king with several demon heads has appeared not far away.

"Which tribe are you from?" The Demon King asked hoarsely.

"This demon Xiao Chen, do you have a name?" Xiao Chen asked.

"What, you actually have a name, but only a few close to the Demon Lord under Lord Demon have names, but have never heard of the name Xiao Chen, is it because Lord Demon Lord was newly appointed?" The Demon Lord asked with some doubts.

"It seems that you don't have a name, so it's easy to handle it. I give you the name 9527 in the name of Xiao Chen. You guys are 9528...9535!"

Xiao Chen spoke directly. As his voice fell, the demon king and the demon head suddenly began to change, and the demon energy gradually disappeared, revealing the human form.

However, Xiao Chen shook his body and his head became dizzy. He gave names to a demon king and several demon heads in one breath. Even though he had already given many names, he still felt dizzy.

"Participate in the master!"

9527 and the other demon heads suddenly rose in aura, and then after turning into human form, they respectfully saluted Xiao Chen.

Xiao San looked at this scene in shock, and didn't understand at all, what happened in it, and why he named him Master Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen nodded, and was greeted into the tribe. Then he asked about the situation of other tribes nearby. He recovered a little bit, leaving 9527 to stand by, and the three of Xiao Chen headed to the next tribe.

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