Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2456: Renamed against the sky!

On the way, Xiao San wanted to ask Xiao Chen several times how he did it, but after thinking about it, she still resisted asking. So, in just one day, Xiao Chen conquered three tribes, all of them The names are forced, and the names are all code names.

Although Xiao San didn't ask why, he despised Xiao Chen for a long time because of his name. Xiao Chen was really lazy to think about the name, but after Xiao Chen took the third tribe, the system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player for reaching five demon kings, the number of demon kings, and the special skill: gift."

"Bonus?" Xiao Chen was a little startled. In addition to the newly acquired three demon kings and Xiao Yun, Xiao Chen's first batch of demon heads, Xiao Ying also advanced to the ranks of the demon king, but she did not expect to have five demon queens. reward.

Xiao Chen checked the gift, and after a while, he was a little speechless: "System, are you kidding me, why can't my strength improve?"

The gift is actually not an attack skill, but is still related to monsters. Xiao Chen can impart the magical powers given to any monsters. These monsters can give names to other monsters in the name of Xiao Chen. These monsters will be respected by Xiao Chen and the monster that gave him a name.

The most important thing is that these monsters can be collected by giving names to their subordinates, and the more subordinates, the stronger their strength, and their strength will continue to improve, but what makes Xiao Chen helpless is that only these monsters can increase their strength, but he cannot. .

"The pit dad's upgrade system upgrade is based on the value of holy power, so it cannot be improved, but although the host cannot improve the cultivation base, it can obtain other skills to improve the strength."

The system replied indifferently.

"Forget it, everything you say is reasonable." Xiao Chen said, and then through Qinglin, all four heroes and heroes were summoned back to him. With his current ability, he can impart gifts to five people at most, and he is the first. What naturally came to mind was Xiao Yun and the four heroes.

After imparting the name-giving magical powers to the five people, the five people began to move, shuttle between different tribes, and began to give names to the demon without a name.

After receiving the gift, Xiao Chen was able to conquer the monsters faster. Five days later, Xiao Yun had broken through to the sixth level of the little saint, and all heroes and heroes also broke through to the third level of the little saint.

At this time, Xiao Chen once again acquired a special skill called Guardian and renamed. Although it sounds domineering, it is still a special skill. The description of the skill is also very simple. It is to help the monster that already has a name and change the name. After changing the name, this monster will be loyal to Xiao Chen.

With more and more monsters under his hands, although Xiao Chen’s cultivation level did not improve, the magic power in the Mark of Demon Slayer was more and more. The magic swallowed mountains and rivers, the magic stream was pointed, and the power of Netherfire became stronger and stronger. , His current combat power after demonization is ten times stronger than before.

While Xiao San was following Xiao Chen to conquer monsters, many strong men appeared near the Duanmu’s rockery. The leader was a middle-aged couple. Their faces were full of majesty, and behind them, many strong men followed. There are the two old men who left before.

"Little San is too reckless, and she has entered the Demon Extinguishing Abyss alone. If she dies in the Demon Extinguishing Abyss, what will the Cheng family do?" the middle-aged man said gloomily.

"Are you still considering Cheng's ideas? If it weren't for you to force her, how could she choose this step? If something happens to Xiaosan, I will never finish with you." The lady beside her said coldly, her voice full of anger.

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