Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2457: Duanmu brothers!

"Father, mother, now is not the time to quarrel, let's discuss what to do." At this moment, a young man walked out behind him. He was the eldest young master of the Duanmu family, Duanmuze.

"Big brother is right. Today is the day when the Sealed Door opens again. I hope Xiao San can come out." Then, a young man walked out again. He was the second young master of the Duanmu family, Duanmu Rui.

"With Xiaosan's temperament, if the evil of monsters is not resolved, she will not come out, but no one knows the specific situation in the Demon Demon Abyss. Even me, I can only feel that there are a lot of monsters in it." Madam, is the mistress of the Duanmu family. At this moment, her face is extremely gloomy. If it is possible, she would like to rush in directly, but she can't do it at all.

"There is only one way, and that is that we also go in and help the junior." Duan Muze said solemnly.

"Naughty, do you want to go in and die?" Patriarch said coldly.

"Yes, young master, the younger generation of our Duanmu family is inherently weak. In case you can't get out, the Duanmu family will fall into an era of nowhere."

"Yes, never risk it!"

The strong behind him persuaded.

"Brother, our Duanmu family belongs to you with the best talent, so don't go in. I will take other people and go in and see. I will find Xiao San and bring her back." At this moment, Duanmu Rui said Tao.

"Don't worry, if you don't come out at that time, then you can only trouble your second child, but after you go in, don't be aggressive, safety is the priority, understand?" The mistress looked at Duan Mu Rui and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, mother." Duan Murui nodded, and then immediately summoned Tianjiao, who was not afraid of death, and went in with him.

At this time, Xiao San was constantly conquering monsters in the Abyss of Exterminating Demon and Xiao Chen, and naturally it was impossible to get out. Of course, even if she came in alone, it was impossible to get out.

Xiao Chen and Xiao San kept moving forward, one after another tribe was in the hands of Xiao Chen, and the strength of Xiao Yun's five people was constantly improving.

At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly received news from Xiao Yun that they had encountered humans, and these humans had been surrounded by her army.

"Someone has entered the abyss of exterminating demons, it should be your Duanmu family." Xiao Chen looked at the small three beside him.

"This abyss of exterminating demons is suppressed by the Duanmu family. Those who have come in must be the Duanmu family disciples. I'm going to save them." Xiao San hurriedly said.

"Don't worry, they are all right, they are surrounded by my people now, do you want to check it out?" Xiao Chen said.

"Okay, thanks a lot." Xiao San breathed a sigh of relief, then nodded.

Somewhere in the Demon Extinction Abyss, Duan Murui glanced at the Duan Muze beside him, and said helplessly: "Big brother, why are you coming in?"

"Of course I am worried about the safety of Xiaosan." Duan Muze said.

"But what should we do now? Why are we carrying this back? This fell into the nest of monsters as soon as we entered, and there are many powerful auras around, especially the female devil, no less than you and me, we can't run out at all. "

Duan Murui said in frustration. When the seal was opened, Duan Muze rushed in at the last moment. Even the Patriarch and Mistress did not react. To make matters worse, their pedestrian fell directly into a tribe. Fortunately, This tribe had just been subdued by Xiao Yun, otherwise they would be dead now.

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