Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2513: Misty floor!

Nanmen Qianshan went directly back to the battleship's room, and some people stayed on the battleship. Xiao Chen took the Bei family siblings and left the battleship and wandered around Yunmiao City.

Xiao Chen was strolling around Yunmiao City, seeing if he could find some treasures, but along the way, he did not encounter anything of value.

Xiao Chen was a little disappointed. Ling Tian, ​​the deceitful artifact, has improved his power by constantly devouring the sacred artifact, but the skills of the deceitful artifact—Ben Lei Sword and Breaking Evil from the Scorching Sun—are outdated. Xiao Chen wanted to buy some holy artifacts with profound meaning. The device, raise Ling Tian's strength, but now it seems that he can only return with disappointment.

Before they knew it, they passed a very grand and magnificent high-rise building. Two guards stood at the door, exuding the aura of a little saint peak powerhouse, and the three characters'Miaolou' were engraved on the door plaque.

"There should be some treasures in such a majestic and ethereal building, let's go in and take a look." Xiao Chen said, and then led the two to walk into the door, but just walked to the door, but was stopped by two guards.

"Why, not let in?" Xiao Chen raised his head and looked at the two guards.

The two guards cast a cold glance at Xiao Chen, without speaking.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Chen frowned.

"Hahaha, where did the hillbillies ask what they mean? People are lazy to take care of you and don't look at what place it is. How can you hillbillies get in?"

At this moment, a mocking voice sounded, and then a man and three women came over, and the man mocked.

"Open the door to do business, why can't we enter?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Why is this still used?" The man laughed exaggeratedly: "This misty building was created by Gao Xuantian, the young master of the misty sect. Every piece in it is a treasure, and it is only open to those who are strong or above. You hillbillies can get in."

The three women behind the man also showed disdain.

"Let's watch it right here." The man smiled, and then he put his arms around the three women and walked into the ethereal building swaggering.

"Bei Bei." Xiao Chen said.

"Yes, Master!" Bei Bei walked to Xiao Chen.

"Go!" Xiao Chen tried his two guards.

"Master, do you want to do it? It's not very good. This Misty Building was created by the Misty Sect Young Master. Offending the Young Sect Master will offend the entire Misty Sect." Bei Bei said in shock.

Xiao Chen looked at Bei Bei with a speechless expression, and said helplessly: "Why would I accept a stupid person like you as a named disciple? I didn't let you do it. You just need to release your breath, understand?"

"Oh, my disciple knows." Bei Bei screamed, and then directly released the aura of the Great Sage, and the two guards directly pressed by the terrifying aura kept retreating and almost knocked the gate down.

Seeing this, Bei Bei hurriedly took his breath.

"If you say you are stupid, you still don't admit it. They are just the pinnacles of the little saints. You just need to exude a stronger aura than them properly and let them know that we are qualified to go in. You don't want to fight. Are you desperate?"

Xiao Chen was speechless.

"I'm sorry, Master, I know I was wrong." Bei Bei apologized.

"The same goes for future battles. Never let the enemy know how strong you are, let alone let the enemy know your hole cards, so that you can win."

"Thank you Master for your teachings."

Xiao Chen nodded, then came to the two guards and said lightly: "Are you all right?"

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