Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2516: Was pitted!

Duan Yingxiong said, with some sympathy in his eyes.

"By the way, I have to leave quickly, lest you be implicated." Duan Yingxiong said, and then took the four ladies and hurriedly left the private room.

Xiao Chen looked speechless. If it weren't for Duan Hero, how could he have come here? It's all right now. Something happened, Duan Hero had patted his **** and left. This was too unrighteous.

"Master, what should I do?" Bei Bei asked.

"What else can I do? Thirty-six strategies are the best strategy, let's go." Xiao Chen said, but before he left, the door of the private room was opened and Nanmen Qianque and the auctioneer walked in.

Nanmen Qianque glanced at Xiao Chen and then asked: "Who made the price just now?"

Xiao Chen looked at Nanmen Qianque and said helplessly: "It was the price I offered, but I didn't know the girl's identity before. I don't know what the girl wants to do now?"

"Since you have made the price, I am yours. From then on, I have been by your side, but I don't know if you dare to ask for it?" Nanmen Qianque said.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen looked at Nanmen Qianque with some surprise.

"Dare to ask, why don't you dare to ask for it, don't let it be for the beauties you send me." Xiao Chen said. Although I don't know what Nanmen Qianque wants to do, Xiao Chen is happy to play with him since he took the initiative to send it to the door. .

"So courageous, I hope you can survive from Gao Xuantian, the Young Master of the Misty Sect." Nanmen Qianque said.

"You two put your qi into your qi, why do you want to make such a big pit? I will be hated by Gao Xuantian for no reason, and may even be killed. I can't suffer from this dumb loss. You are just like her, by my side. Be a maid who pinches your shoulders and beats your back."

Xiao Chen thought for a while.

"What, let me be your maid who squeezes your shoulders and backs?" Nanmen Qianque said in a daze.

"I bought you. You can do whatever I ask you to do. If you don't want to, I won't hand in this holy crystal." Xiao Chen said, and wanted to leave.

"Wait, the maid will be the maid." Nanmen Qianque stopped Xiao Chen and said coldly.

"With such a strong person as a maid, you can save face when you take it out, hahaha." Xiao Chen laughed in his heart, then handed over the holy crystal, took Nanmen Qianque, the two brothers and sisters of Beibei, and walked out of the misty building .

Outside the ethereal building, Duan Yingxiong looked at the Nanmen Qianshan behind Xiao Chen with shock in his eyes. Then he couldn't help but ran forward and whispered: "Xiao Chen, why did you bring her out? Are you not happy to die?"

"If you don't take her, wouldn't Gao Xuantian kill me?" Xiao Chen asked back.

"This..., with the character of Sect Master Shao, he will undoubtedly kill you, and dozens of them have already died before, so take care." Duan Yingxiong said sympathetically.

"It turns out that I am not the first one, but Duan Hero, if you hadn't taken me to the fourth floor, I wouldn't have caused such a catastrophe, but you would be better, pat your **** and want to leave. How can there be such a thing in the world? Good thing, if you don't give me some compensation, I will drag you into the water."

Xiao Chen looked at Duan Yingxiong and said coldly.

"Brother Xiao, you can't ask me to go into the water, Gao Xuantian is very careful, if he hates me, I will be very troublesome." Duan Yingxiong hurriedly said.

"So you deliberately led him up again." At this moment, Nanmen Qianque looked at Duan Yingxiong and said coldly.

Hearing this, the expression on Duan Hero's face instantly stiffened.

Xiao Chen also looked at Duan Yingxiong, with a cold light in his eyes, and said coldly: "Duan Yingxiong, what's going on, if you don't tell me clearly today, I will teach you how to be a human being."

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