Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2521: Golem is back!

"Hahaha, boy, now it's up to you how you die!" Duan Yinghao sneered in his heart, and then looked at the strong men around him and said, "Everyone, please help me to kill this unaware boy."

"Willing to serve the second son."

Surrounded by the strong, the Duan Yinghao in front of him is not only the second son of the city lord’s mansion, but also the person next to the misty sect’s young lord. Now is a great time to cheer him up, even if it’s just for them to kill a kid who doesn’t know the heights of the sky, they are also Go all out.


A strong man shouted loudly, and then the strong people all around seemed to be trying to kill himself and his father and his enemies, rushing towards Xiao Chen fiercely.

"Demonization, the golem returns!"

Xiao Chen looked at the powerhouse rushing around, his heart was full of coldness, the magic energy in the Mark of Elimination of Demons rolled out, and the true body of the golem that had been hidden behind him suddenly retracted into his body.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen felt that his body was full of terrifying power. The return of the golem was a skill acquired as the monster under Xiao Chen became stronger.

The return of the golem, the real body of the golem can be incorporated into the body, within a certain period of time, it can obtain terrifying power and defense, and can display more powerful demons skills.

"The magic snake of Moxi One Finger dances wildly!"

Xiao Chen shouted in a cold voice. The devil energy around him rolled, and his black hair was dancing. At this time, Xiao Chen looked like an authentic demon clan. As his voice fell, the devil energy around him formed a finger at the Moxi, and he continued to move towards the strong around him. Attack.

These powerhouses had no defense at all, they saw a wave of demonic energy, like a sharp sword, passing them through their chests. Their eyes were round and their faces showed incredible colors, watching their being penetrated. His chest felt the fading life, and his eyes gradually became confused.

Before they rushed to Xiao Chen's body, they were pierced by the Demon Creek transformed by the rolling demon qi. They were all stunned when they looked at those strong men whose aura quickly dissipated.

These powerhouses are at least the little sage powerhouses, and even among them are mixed with the big sage powerhouses who want to please Duan Yinghao, but in a short time, they all turned into corpses.

Everyone looked at Xiao Chen who was like a demon, shocked and speechless.

Duan Yingxiong's eyes widened in an instant, his eyes full of incredible color.

Bei Bei showed a look of shock. He only now knows that his master did not use all his strength when fighting him at that time.

There was a glimmer of light in Nanmen Qianque's eyes, and she was a little excited: "It's too fierce. If you introduce him to Master, you will definitely get a reward from Master."

Duan Yinghao's face was gloomy, not only him, but those strong men who had lost a lot of people were also extremely gloomy, especially the power of the great sage strong man, and stared at Xiao Chen, with killing intent in his eyes.

"This kid is a little weird, everyone, be careful."

Duan Yinghao said gloomily.

"No matter what weird he is, the person who killed me, I will make him regret coming to this world." The hideous man said angrily.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go together and kill him." The old man who came first also said coldly.


As the old man's voice fell, these powerhouses released the true form of Faxiang one after another, and then one by one the powerhouses instantly dispatched, and in the blink of an eye, they surrounded Xiao Chen!

"Are you still going to continue?"

Xiao Chen looked at the powerful people around him and said coldly.

"Boy, who killed us, today is your death date!"

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