Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2527: Sorrowful dead wood **** will!

"It turns out that this withered vine is not only tough, but it can also absorb the holy power in the body. There are some methods, but unfortunately, it is useless to me."

Xiao Chen said lightly, just about to break away the withered vine on his body, but found that the mark of life on his body trembled slightly, and then the withered vine on his body instantly retreated from Xiao Chen like a mouse saw a cat.

Xiao Chen was slightly stunned, and Withered Wood God General was also stunned.

"It seems that I don't need to break it, he just ran away." Xiao Chen smiled.

"What's going on?" The Withered Wood God General was a little stunned, and then urged the withered vines again and wrapped them around Xiao Chen, but when these withered vines came into contact with Xiao Chen, they automatically retreated.

"Hahaha, it seems that your withered vine is of no use to me. You have been attacking for a long time, and it is time for me to attack."

Xiao Chen laughed loudly, and then a little bit under his feet, the Seven Star Wing moved, and the man had come to the front of the Withered Wood God General and punched it out.

Seeing this, the withered vines appeared in front of him, forming an airtight sieve, blocking Xiao Chen’s punch, but the moment when Xiao Chen’s fist touched the withered vines, these withered vines He quickly retreated, and then in the stunned eyes of the Withered Wood God General, and in the dull eyes of everyone, Xiao Chen's punch fell on the face of the Withered Wood God General.


Withered Wood God General staggered backwards, then clutched his nose, looked at Xiao Chen in disbelief, and said, "How is it possible!"

Withered Wood God will have the strength of the Seventh Layer of the Great Sage.

Because he is based on the ancestor tree as the real body of the law, his withered vine is very tough, and even the attacks of the Great Sage Eightfold Power can block it.

It is also because of this that he can become the head of the four great generals in the city lord mansion.

But what's going on now, why his withered vine is not under his control at all. Not only can he not attack the enemy, but he can't even do defense. In other words, when he faces Xiao Chen, his strongest hole card has no effect. .

"It seems that your hole cards are of no use to me, so now, you will fall."

Xiao Chen wouldn't give him a chance to regain his senses. Even the Seven Star Wing's points were useless, and even the Overlord Fist was useless. It was just an ordinary fist that landed on the dead wood **** general.

Under Xiao Chen's stormy attacks, the Withered Wood God General could only use his physical strength to defend, but with Xiao Chen's current power, even if he didn't use the Overlord Fist, the Withered Wood God General could not take it.

Soon, the Withered Wood God General fell into a disadvantage.

Withered Wood God General couldn't help showing a sorrowful smile. The first God General in his dignified City Lord's Mansion hadn't done anything for hundreds of years. As a result, the first time he did it, he fell to his current end.

At this time, both Duan Yinghao and the strong people around him were shocked and unbelievable.

In their view, the Wither Wood God General must be able to catch it, but they did not expect that the Wither Wood God General had already been defeated at the beginning, and he was defeated with a fist and a punch.


Withered Wood God slammed his figure to the ground, his breath was weak and his face was embarrassed.

Xiao Chen slowly fell to Nanmen Qianshan's side, with a calm appearance.

There was silence all around.

Everyone glanced at the very embarrassed Withered Wood God General, and then at Xiao Chen, their eyes shocked inexplicably.

"For the sake of your age, I will spare your life today and get out."

Xiao Chen said indifferently, the reason why he let go of Withered Wood God General was not because of his old age, but because of the imprint of his life.

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