Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2533: Cut in one fell swoop!

At this time, there was not only fear on their faces, but also luck. Fortunately, there were too many people who wanted to kill Xiao Chen. Fortunately, their strength was too weak and they had not rushed forward. Otherwise, they would be like those in the Chaos Domain. All was wiped out by the ashes of the ruthless purple thunder.

After the fear, they gradually fell silent. Looking at Xiao Chen, they couldn't understand at all, how could a little sage power show such a powerful thunder, and even the truth of the Fa could not be blocked.

Duan Yingjie was also silent, Gao Xuantian looked gloomy, looking at the purple thunder that slowly disappeared, and said coldly: "He is just a little sage. Even if the method is amazing, it is impossible to perform it a second time, taking advantage of his weakness. Now, let's go together and kill him!"

Hearing Gao Xuantian’s voice, some people were eager to move. They thought Gao Xuantian’s words were very reasonable, while some strong people were a little silent. Although they also thought that Xiao Chen couldn’t use it for the second time, but if they could do it, they His life is not guaranteed.

"Gao Xuantian, why don't you do it yourself and let these cannon fodder come to death, is it interesting?" Xiao Chen looked at Gao Xuantian lightly, without a weak expression on his face.

"To deal with you, I don't need to act personally. You don't have to hurry up. He is just bluffing, just delaying time." Gao Xuantian said coldly.

"Bluffing? Delaying time? A joke, I, Xiao Chen, want to kill you like a dog. Today I, Xiao Chen, put the words here. After ten breaths, all within a thousand feet of me will be my enemy. For the enemy, I only have In three words, kill without mercy, and those who are not afraid of death, you can give it a try!"

Xiao Chen said coldly, his words were full of arrogance and domineering, and the posture of seeing all the strong like ants shocked everyone. Nanmen Qianshan and Nanmen Qianque looked at Xiao Chen with inexplicable expressions in their eyes. After thinking about it, he immediately retreated a thousand feet away.

Those strong in other cities who watched the excitement also retreated thousands of feet away, and those who had seen Xiao Chen fight against the four great gods before, also withdrew thousands of feet away after a moment of silence.

The other three great generals thought for a while, but for some reason they also retreated thousands of feet away.

However, most of the strong people chose to stay where they were. Xiao Chen's threat was far less convincing than Gao Xuantian's words. After all, Gao Xuantian was the young master of the ethereal sect.

"The ten breaths are here, since you want to die, then I will do you!" Xiao Chen said coldly. When the voice fell, he faintly stretched out his hand and said coldly: "Absolutely ice field!"

When the voice fell, a chill suddenly came from the Chaos Realm, Ka Ka Ka, and in an instant, the entire Chaos Realm, whether it was buildings or people, was all frozen, and in their eyes, there was still a color of shock!

At the same time, Ling Tian appeared in his hand in the form of a big sword, and at this time, the entire body of the sword was trembling, and stars radiated from the body.

"Star River Blade!"

The big knife wheel in Xiao Chen's hand made a circle, and then a blade formed by starlight, centered on Xiao Chen, formed a round blade, and cut it towards the surroundings. The moment they touched the ice sculptures, these ice sculptures turned into ice chips and fell to the ground. In the air.

Ding Ding Ding!

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for upgrading, now Xiaosheng Duo!"

The reminder sounded one after another in his mind, but what disappointed Xiao Chen was that he did not get any good things, only a large amount of profundity fragments, and what left Xiao Chen speechless was that after killing so many powerful people, it was only enough for him. Promoted to the second layer of Little Saint.

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