Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2541: Canyon of the Dead opens!

As the restrictions outside the Canyon of the Dead were opened, the entire Plain of the Dead was shaking!

Gradually, an endless canyon appeared on the Plain of the Dead, and at the same time, in the Canyon of the Dead, there was a sound like a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring, containing the supreme majesty, spreading across the entire Plain of the Dead.

As the pressure gradually disappeared, the Canyon of the Dead completely appeared in front of all the strong, and in the next moment, countless figures rushed toward the Canyon of the Dead.

Gao Xuantian took the lead, leading the ethereal powerhouse, and rushed in first. Huang Song and Cai Shaoling looked at each other, and also rushed in with their own powerhouse.

"Let's go in too." Nanmen Qianshan looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"Let's act separately." Xiao Chen said.

"Separate action, why?" Nanmen Qianque asked.

"You also know the current situation. It is not safe to be with me." Xiao Chen said.

"We have to protect you just because of insecurity." Nanmen Qianque took it for granted.

"Let me be straightforward, if you are with me, you will definitely be implicated, and then I won't have any extra power to protect you!" Xiao Chen said straightforwardly.

"Do you think we are your burden?" Nanmen Qianshan said hoarsely.

Nanmen Qianque also looked at Xiao Chen in a little astonishment.

Xiao Chen nodded.

The astonishment on Nanmen Qianque’s face instantly became full of dissatisfaction. One of the two of them was the Great Sage Eighth Layer and the other the Great Sage Seventh Layer, but was dismissed by a Little Saint Second Layer. She wanted to refute a few words, but She didn't know how to argue, although she didn't want to admit it, but Xiao Chen's strength was indeed above them.

"Let’s go in, take care of yourself." Nanmen Qianshan said, the voice fell, and he walked to the Canyon of the Dead. Nanmen Qianque could only stare at Xiao Chen severely when he saw this, and then he and Nanmen Qianshan They rushed into the Canyon of the Dead together.

After the two disappeared from Xiao Chen's sight, Xiao Chen also rushed in, but as soon as he entered the Canyon of the Dead, Xiao Chen felt a different atmosphere.

He was surrounded by people, and it was the strong man in the misty sect that surrounded him.

A chill covered Xiao Chen, and there were hundreds of powerful people around him. Then, a middle-aged man walked out and looked at Xiao Chen and said calmly, "Although I don’t know why Sect Master won’t let us move you. , But as long as we hold your head, we will have one more ancient sage strong in our Misty Sect, so sorry, your head, we want it!"

"For the sake of Gao Xuantian's face, if you leave now, I can still spare your life." Xiao Chen glanced at the strong people around him, and finally set his eyes on the middle-aged man and said coldly.

The middle-aged person is the Great Sage's eight-fold powerhouse, and has a certain position in the Misty Sect, otherwise it would be impossible to gather so many powerhouses.

Not far away, Gao Xuantian brought some of the ethereal sect powerhouses, paying attention to the movement here, not far from him, Huang Song and Cai Shaoling were also there.

"Gao Xuantian, are you not going to stop them?" Cai Shaoling asked.

"I have persuaded them, they are looking for death by themselves, and I can't help it!" Gao Xuantian said with a gloomy expression.

"Do you really like that kid?" Cai Shaoling said solemnly.

"Do you know why Tianji Palace wanted to kill him?" Gao Xuantian asked.

"Why?" Huang Song also looked over.

"Because he killed Huangfu's named disciple in front of Huangfu Zhan, a great sage, nine-fold powerhouse." Gao Xuantian said solemnly.

"What, how is this possible?" Cai Shaoling asked in disbelief.

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