Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2550: The strong emerge in endlessly!

"Fat and fat, you are here too." Tsing Yi swordsman said lightly.

"As soon as this Secret Order came out, the entire Southern Region was shaking, not to mention a small Qingzhou realm, but what I didn’t expect was that this Secret Order came out because of a junior in the Little Saint Realm. It’s really rare in the world. ."

Fat three fat stains are amazing.

"Fatty three fat, you and I know the temptation of Tianji Ling, even the ancient sage will take the initiative to snatch, but we have taken the lead, and later will change, so I don’t want to talk nonsense, I want this junior’s head, you Will it stop me?"

Tsing Yi swordsman said coldly.

"Don't worry, I won't stop you, I'm just passing by to take a look. I just want to see what the demeanor of the man who is about to stir the Southern Territory is."

Fat Sanpang said with a smile, took a bite of the roast chicken, and then looked up and down Xiao Chen.

"But if you want to do it, hurry up. Just now I saw a few old guys coming here, and those sectarian guys coming here."

Fatty said again.

Hearing this, the Tsing Yi swordsman's complexion sank. Looking at Xiao Chen, he did not choose to do it. The reason is very simple. Although he just made a sword, he also recognized Xiao Chen's strength to a certain extent. He couldn't win Xiao Chen, and if he was picked up by other old guys at that time, it would be worth the loss.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a few more figures to fall down.

"The blood-robed ancestor! Thousand-handed demon! Jade face scholar, sloppy Taoist!"

Huangfu Zhan was shocked again, every time he said a name, it shocked everyone else. Each of these names was well-known in the Qingzhou realm, and each of them was a long-established great sage peak powerhouse.

These powerful men glanced at the swordsman in blue clothes and the fat three fat, frowned slightly, then looked at Xiao Chen, no one was speaking, and the atmosphere of the scene instantly became weird.

This silent atmosphere was broken after only a moment of silence. In the distance, hundreds of figures came straight to this side.

"Qingzhou boundary, all the forces entering the Canyon of the Dead are here. The temptation of this heavenly secret is really powerful!"

Huangfu Zhan sighed.

And Xiao Chen looked at these hundreds of figures, his expression dignified to the extreme. These hundreds of figures are the real powerhouses in various sects, almost all of them are the great sage high-level powerhouses. Among them, the great sage peak powerhouse, not to mention them. few.

After seeing their own powerhouse, the remaining three young sect masters hurriedly ran over, crying with snots and tears. When these forces learned that their junior disciples, at least the sect masters, were all dead, they were furious. Endlessly, then stared at Xiao Chen with murderous intent.

These forces surrounded Xiao Chen, but they only surrounded him. Even if they had a murderous intent in their hearts, no one chose to do it. They all knew that whoever did it first would become the target of the crowd.

"Predecessors, we have been stuck in such a stalemate, it is not a solution. In case other realm powerhouses come, there will be nothing wrong with our Qingzhou realm."

Huangfu Zhan looked at these powerful men who were afraid of each other and couldn't help but break the silence.

"Then what do you say?"

A great sage peak powerhouse asked.

Neither of their forces will watch the secret order fall into the hands of other forces. The secret order is the safest only if it is held in their own hands. It is just that if you get the head of Xiao Chen now, you will definitely be besieged. It's just a dead end.

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