Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2554: shameless!

Every great sage peak powerhouse is in a high position in various forces, and it is usually difficult to see.

This time, if it were not for the secret order, so many great sage peak powers would not have gathered, but these powerful great sage peak powers were beaten to death by a small sage power one after another, which made them feel very unreal. It is even more difficult to accept.

The remaining seventeen great sage peak powerhouses all stepped back and stared at Xiao Chen solemnly. They never thought that their 20 powerhouses besieged a junior, not only failed to kill each other, but was instead The opponent killed three.

"This kid is too weird to go on like this. Let's attack together and smash him completely!" Suddenly, a great sage peak powerhouse onlookers said in a deep voice.

"Yes, we can't afford to lose, the Great Sage peak powerhouse, and we must not make trouble."

Another strong man said solemnly.

These strong men seem to have suddenly reached a consensus.

Afterwards, these strong men all joined the battle. Xiao Chen, southeast, northwest, and above, were full of strong men. Each of them released the true body of Faxiang, and in their hands, they had begun to brew terrifying power. , If these hundreds of attacks fall at the same time, even the ancient sage strong will be torn to pieces.

"Damn, you guys are too shameless!"

Xiao Chen shouted.

The four of Huangfu Zhan were all excited when they saw this, and Huangfu Zhan was trembling, and their hearts were extremely excited: "So many powerful people attack at the same time, even if the ancient sage powers do not have this honor, Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen, you can die. Under the siege of so many powerful people, it is also a good death!"


When the killing sound fell, all the strong attacked at the same time, and the sky full of attacks, like the end of the world, attacked Xiao Chen.

"I remember you, and when I return again, it will be the day your lives are lost!" Xiao Chen said loudly, as the voice fell, directly contacting the Nine Star Territory Star Core, and Xiao Chen's figure disappeared instantly.

At the moment when Xiao Chen's figure disappeared, all the attacks had collided together, and a sensation resounded throughout the Canyon of the Dead. At the same time, a terrifying force was vented to the surroundings.

All the great sage powers turned on their defenses at the same time, and the defense of hundreds of great sage powers was enough to stop this power. However, there are still many powers with a flushing complexion, and they are obviously shocked by this power. light.

"That kid should be dead!"

"I'm sure to die, even the ancient sage can't hold back this power!"

"This kid is turned into scum now, what should we do!"

"Don't worry, seniors, I am a witness. As long as you decide the only king, I will naturally testify at that time." Huangfu Zhan said.

"It's so good!"

Some forces are excited, and some have a gloomy look, especially the forces that died of the Great Sage Pinnacle powerhouse, they have suffered heavy losses, and the final secret of the flower is still unknown.

The battle that took place in the Canyon of the Dead quickly spread, and Gao Xuantian, Cai Shaoling, and Huang Song all received the news.

"Gao Xuantian, your judgment is correct, that kid is really terrifying, he killed so many people!" Huang Song exclaimed.

"Yes, under the siege of so many predecessors, they even killed the three Great Sage Pinnacles and blinded this girl." Cai Shaoling also looked shocked.

"Unfortunately, he is dead!"

Gao Xuantian sighed.

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