Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2565: Wonderful request!

The resident of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment.

"Head, don't be impulsive!"

Just when Xiao Chen wanted to do something, Li Ying hurriedly grabbed Xiao Chen.

"Leader, according to the information I have received, the leader behind him has a strong background, and seems to be related to Fairy Fengluan. Even the Misty Sect does not dare to offend him. It is said that when the leader comes, the Young Master of the Misty Sect personally welcomes him."

Li Ying said in a low voice, his voice full of solemnity.

"It seems that you know a lot. To tell you the truth, the leader of Zhan Tianxia is called Zhan Tianxia. He is my brother and a disciple of Fairy Fengluan. The entire Southern Territory will sell my brother a face, not to mention you. Little Qingzhou boundary!"

Zhan Yu said coldly, his voice full of disdain.

"Fairy Fengluan's disciple?" Xiao Chen was slightly surprised when he heard this.

"Boy, know who Fairy Fengluan is, that's the overlord of the Southern Territory." Zhan Yu said triumphantly, looking at the shocked Xiao Chen, mockery flashed in his eyes.

"Boy, now you know you're scared, didn't you just clamor to kill me? Come on, come kill me!" Zhan Yu looked at Xiao Chen mockingly.

Xiao Chen raised his head and looked at Zhan Yu, his eyes condensed, a big sword appeared in his hand, and he pulled a knife. The next moment, Xiao Chen already appeared behind Zhan Yu.

"I live such a big life. It's the first time I heard such a wonderful request. Since you have this request, of course I have to satisfy you."

Zhan Yu's face was still full of sneers and sarcasm, but the next moment, his head fell directly to the ground, leaving only a headless corpse.

Blackbeard and the strong man who survived looked at the headless corpse with dull eyes. The messenger of the war world was dead. This was a major event that shocked the entire Misty City, and even the entire Misty Sect.

"Li Ying, tell me, these survivors, who else has done anything against the Whitebeard Pirate Group!" Xiao Chen glanced around with cold eyes.

After being swept by Xiao Chen's gaze, everyone felt a chill.

Hearing Xiao Chen's voice, Li Ying suddenly woke up, and then gritted his teeth. Since Zhan Yu is dead, he has completely offended Zhan Tianxia. It is better to avenge the dead brothers of the Whitebeard Pirates!

"He, he, and him!"

Li Ying pointed at the three people with hatred, but the three people pointed at by Li Ying changed their expressions, and then turned around and ran without hesitation.

"The magic flame is peerless!"

Xiao Chen faintly stretched out his right hand, and then three black flame cicada pupae directly trapped the three of them. With a grip of Xiao Chen's right hand, the black flame cicada pupae exploded directly, and the three of them also turned into ashes.

Blackbeard saw this scene with a cold sweat on his face. These three people were originally the leader of the pirate regiment. They were stronger than him, but they died easily in front of him. Whitebeard's strength was stronger than before. It's more terrible.

"Anything else?" Xiao Chen asked indifferently.

"No, they just surrounded and didn't do anything." Li Ying shook his head.

"Don't get out yet, can't you wait for me to invite you to dinner?" Xiao Chen glanced at the few remaining people and said coldly.

The few people who survived all looked nervous. After hearing Xiao Chen's words, they showed a relieved expression, then turned around and ran, at that speed that they couldn't have more legs.

"Xin Tieshu tidy up and bury the dead brothers, Li Ying, you come with me." Xiao Chen said.


Li Ying and Xin Tieshu nodded.

In Xiao Chen's room, Xiao Chen looked at Li Ying and said, "Recently, what has happened to the Qingzhou boundary?"

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