Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2573: Break through the day of the ancient sage!

"There is one thing I want to clarify. If you act with me, you are the enemy. If you are an enemy, you will only end up with two things, surrender or die!"

Xiao Chen said coldly, his eyes full of indifference.

"Your Excellency Xiao Chen believes that he must beat me?" Gao Jingyao said solemnly.

Xiao Chen said nothing, but the expression on his face explained everything. He had already fought the monsters of the Old Sage level in the Demon Extinguishing Abyss. With his current demonized methods, he was not afraid of Old Sage Duality.

Gao Jingyao's eyes sank, a small sage who can leapfrog to kill the peak power of the great sage is already terrifying, he doesn't believe it, can he really threaten him an ancient sage?

Besides, he was just worried about whether there was a strong person behind Xiao Chen, and he couldn't care about that much now. In this battle, you have to fight or not.

"Okay, well, then I will try Your Excellency Xiao Chen's ability, please do it, please." Gao Jingyao grinned angrily.

Xiao Chen looked at Gao Jingyao and prepared to demonize, and at this moment, in the Yanmu Retreat, a powerful pressure suddenly spread, and the origin of the entire Misty Sect began to converge towards the retreat.

"Is Yan Mu going to break through?" The sudden change instantly attracted everyone's attention. Gao Jingyao looked at the vortex of the holy origin, and his eyes flashed with excitement. If Yan Mu breaks through, their ethereal sect will be one more. An ancient sage strong.

Xiao Chen also looked at the retreat, slightly surprised, but then a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

They just watched quietly, and this change lasted for more than half an hour. When the holy origin vortex disappeared, a loud laughter also resounded through the entire Misty Sect.

"Hahaha, I finally broke through the Old Sage! I finally broke through the Old Sage, and I finally broke through the Old Sage."

"The day of breaking through the ancient sage is the day of your death. Yan Mu, the deceased visits, and you still don't get out and die."

Just as Yan Mu laughed, happily, and was very proud, suddenly a very unpleasant word rang. Suddenly, Yan Mu's face was full of anger. As soon as he broke through the ancient sage, someone asked him to go out and die. , Which is as uncomfortable as letting him eat stool.

"Who dares to let the old man get out and die? The old man is here and get out of the old man. The old man wants to see who is so bold and reckless."

Yan Mu's angry voice sounded, and he followed the voice just now and quickly fell close to Xiao Chen and the others.

"It's me." Xiao Chen said lightly.

Hearing the sound, Yan Mu turned his head for a moment, and then saw Xiao Chen standing there faintly. Suddenly, Yan Mu's face showed an incredible expression: "It's you, you are still alive?"

"Of course I am alive, why, not happy to see me?" Xiao Chen smiled lightly.

"Hahaha, you are still alive. Since you are alive, you should stay incognito and linger, but you still dare to show up. The old man doesn't know what to say." Yan Mu laughed.

"The person who besieged me that day hasn't died yet, I will naturally have revenge, Yan Mu, this is less than a year, you will not forget it?" Xiao Chen smiled lightly.

"Naturally, I won't forget, and I really admire you. In that case, everyone thought you were dead. Even Tianji Palace thought you were dead, so that there was no calculation, but I didn't expect you to be alive."

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