Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2580: Hushanding!

"If you dare to leave, I will kill you."

At this moment, a faint voice rang, and the youth's footsteps suddenly froze, then turned his head, looked at Xiao Chen stiffly, and said, "Are you still alive?"

"You really want me to die?" Xiao Chen said lightly. The person in front of him is not someone else, but the young master of Ten Thousand Fazong, one of the lucky ones who survived that day.

"I dare not dare." Young Sect Master sneered. He regretted his death now in his heart. He was originally a guest at the City Lord's Mansion. After hearing the death of the Four Great Wars, he wanted to see who was so bold. Unexpectedly, this person turned out to be Xiao Chen.

"I don't want to kill him, let him go back. You and I will go to Wanfazong." Xiao Chen pointed to the city lord.

He would always give him a chance if he didn't do it. Since the city lord hadn't had time to do it, he didn't bother to kill him!

"Yes, yes." The Young Sect Master hurriedly said. He was very clear about Xiao Chen's strength. Even if the City Lord was the pinnacle of the Great Sage, he could not stop Xiao Chen's punch.

"City Lord, you go back first, he is not something you can deal with, don't lose your life here in vain." Young Sect Master looked at the city lord and said solemnly.

"Young Sect Master..." The city lord just wanted to say something, but when he saw Young Sect Master's eyes widened, he said coldly: "Dare you violate my orders?"

"Subordinates don't dare!" The city lord hurriedly said.

"I am doing this for your own good, you will naturally know in the future."

The Young Master said in a deep voice, and then ignored the city lord, came to Xiao Chen, and said, "That...I wonder if you have anything to do with Wanfazong?"

"Kill a few people." Xiao Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, Young Sect Master's expression froze, and the faces of the City Lord and several other people instantly became cold.

"Let's go, you finally survived, you probably don't want to die here." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"it is good."

The Young Sect Master said uncomfortably, he already had a decision in his heart. Ten Thousand Fasects had ancient sage powers. Although there were not as many powers in the Valley of the Dead at the time, the power of the ancient sage powers was not the only power of the sage peak. Comparable.

The city lord did not do anything, but he followed the Young Sect Master and the others, and the group headed towards Ten Thousand Fazong.

After arriving at Wanfazong, the Shoushan disciples hurriedly saluted after seeing the young master.

"Round the protector!" Young Sect Master looked at his disciple and said in a deep voice.

"What, ringing the mountain guarding tripod?" The Shoushan disciple said in shock. The mountain guarding tripod would only sound when a major event occurred in the Ten Thousand Fazong, or when an important person was greeted, or a crisis of extinction occurred.

"Yes, ring the protector, three times." Young Sect Master said solemnly.

"What, three beeps!" The Shoushan disciple was even more shocked, and the three beeps meant that there was a crisis of extinction in Ten Thousand Fazong, but where was the crisis of extinction.

The City Lord and the disciples behind the Young Sect Master were all shocked, and then they looked at Xiao Chen in unison. Was the Young Sect Master sounding the mountain guarding tripod because of him?

"Follow what I told you to do. I will be responsible for what happened." Young Sect Master said in a deep voice, and then he took Xiao Chen and the others to Wan Fazong.


The Shoushan disciple hurriedly said.

When Xiao Chen and the others stepped into the door of Ten Thousand Fazong, three urgent and rushing tripods resounded throughout the Ten Thousand Fazong. When they heard the heyday, all the disciples of Ten Thousand Fazong stopped their movements. , Looked up one after another.

"The tripod sound, three more sounds?"

"The three beeps mean that there is a crisis of extinction of Ten Thousand Fasects?"

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