Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2583: Wan Fazong's hole card!

Wan Fazong!

As the Sect Master's voice fell, all the Supreme Elders moved together, and at the same time, there was a wave of formation over the Ten Thousand Fazong.

In the next moment, in the sky of Ten Thousand Fazong, there was endless sword aura gushing, and beside the master, there was a horrible sword intent, the sharpness of that sword aura, even the strong ancient sage would not dare to try it easily.

"When the old man was in the Great Sage, he used sharp swords as his true body, and he was very good at swordsmanship. With the addition of the incomplete sword formation he had inadvertently obtained at the beginning, the old man's current strength is no less than that of the Old Sage's third level, and even close The Old Sage Quadruple."

Sect Master slowly rose into the air, and said indifferently: "Few people from the outside world, or even the disciples in the sect, know the trump card of my Ten Thousand Fazong. I didn’t expect that today I would use this incomplete sword formation because of the two of you, and you would be considered dead. Up."

"Xiao Yun, are you sure?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Master, don't worry!" Xiao Yun said, the voice fell, and the devilish energy in his body rolled out, already rushing to the Sect Master.

"Hmph!" Sect Master snorted coldly and waved his big hand. Several sharp sword auras had already been slashed towards Xiao Yun. Xiao Yun's expression remained unchanged, but a black whirlpool had blocked all the sword auras.

Seeing this, the Sect Master pierced Xiao Yun with more and stronger sword energy under his lead.

When Xiao Yun and Zong took the initiative, a figure had already shot towards Xiao Chen.

"Turn things around!" Just as the figure's attack was about to fall on Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen's body twisted for a while, then disappeared, and the next moment, it was already aside.

The figure stopped slowly, and then turned around, revealing an old man who looked very wretched, but unlike his appearance, this wretched old man turned out to be an ancient sage and a strong man named Rune.

"Boy, with such a handsome body, he can escape under the old man's sneak attack. No wonder Tianji Palace will kill you by all means."

Rune looked at Xiao Chen in surprise.

Xiao Chen glanced at the rune and ignored it, but there was another person beside him, it was Xiao Ying.

"Take him, but don't kill it yet."

"Yes, master!"

When the voice fell, Xiao Ying had already rushed towards the rune. The terrifying magic power instantly changed the face of Rune: "Old Sage!"

"Old guy, give me a punch!" Xiao Ying directly collided with the rune with his fists. The fluctuations that occurred during the battle between the two immediately shocked everyone, even the Sect Master who was attacking Xiao Yun with all his strength felt it.

"What! Another ancient sage strong, who is this kid, there are two ancient sage strong willing to follow him!"

Unbelievable color appeared in the eyes of the suzerain. You must know that even if the Ten Thousand Fa Sect was established for thousands of years, at most they would be two ancient sages.

At the same time, there was also a bad premonition in his heart, because he felt that Xiao Ying's cultivation was not weaker than Xiao Yun, and at this time the rune had fallen below, and it was only a matter of time before he failed.

"Ink Hei, you can break through quickly. If you can make a breakthrough, maybe we still have some chance of winning this time."

The Sect Master glanced at the depths of the Ten Thousand Fazong, where it was Mo Hei's retreat, and this Mo Hei was the third person Xiao Chen wanted to kill, and he had obtained the secret prophecy.

Xiao Chen didn't pay attention to the two battlefields. The reason why he didn't do it himself was because the system was analyzing the incomplete sword formation of Ten Thousand Fazong. Soon after, Xiao Chen turned and looked in the direction of the hall, and then walked towards the hall.

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