Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2592: God of War title!

"Huh, when you die, you dare to be hard-headed. You really think that if you have the means to kill the ancient sage, you can run wild without putting the old man in his eyes?" The old man said coldly.

"To be honest, Xiaoye really didn't take you to heart. If you refuse to accept, come to fight!" Xiao Chen said lightly, hooking his fingers at the same time.

"Looking for death!" the old man said coldly, his eyes full of killing intent, not only him, but the other fourteen strong ancient sages stared at Xiao Chen coldly.

"Do it."

A voice fell, and several figures rushed towards Xiao Chen, and the old man was among them.

"Five seconds a real man!"

Xiao Chen did not hesitate to turn on the five-second real man. At the same time, the sacred power in his body exuded in a state visible to the naked eye. However, at this time, the sacred power in Xiao Chen's body was different. The current sacred power is full of thunder and energy. fire.

The extermination of thunder inflammation is not an attack skill, but a special means to strengthen the holy power. With the extinction of thunder inflammation, the power will be greatly increased.

"Exterminate Lightning Flame?" Fairy Fengluan saw this scene with shock and disbelief in her eyes.

Xiao Chen moved and rushed directly towards the old man of Tian Yanzong. At the moment when Xiao Chen moved, fifteen powerful men also shot at the same time, and the terrifying power had already fallen against Xiao Chen.

However, looking at their appearance, it seemed that they were about to capture Xiao Chen alive, so they didn't use their full strength, but even so, I am afraid that the ancient sage's first-tier powerhouse could not take it.

In their opinion, even if Xiao Chen is strong, under this attack, he will definitely lose his fighting power, but the next moment, they find that Xiao Chen has passed through the attack without incident, without any scars on his body, and with Extremely fast, rushed to the old man of Tian Yanzong.

"Just take you and try to exterminate Lightning Flame's increase." Before the action, Xiao Chen had already opened the Chaos Realm. In addition, Xiao Chen was now at the pinnacle of Little Sage, and even the Ancient Sage triple powerhouse, his speed was slightly lost.

"Overlord Fist!"

Xiao Chen used the Overlord's Fist to exterminate the thunder inflammation, and with every punch, thunder inflammation burst out.

Boom boom boom!

When the old man was caught off guard, he could only defend passively, and then he felt that every punch of Xiao Chen carried terrifying power, and the power of every punch was no less than that of Old Sage.

Xiao Chen was in an invincible state for only five seconds. He naturally raced against each other. He punched every punch with all his strength. After a few punches, the defense on the old man's body cracked, and then broke open. With a few more punches, the old man's physical body collapsed. Feeling, and then a few more punches, the old man's body was instantly exploded by lightning!

"Ding! Congratulations to the player for reaching twelve small levels, beheading the ancient sage triple powerhouse, gaining hidden achievements, and rewards: the title of God of War!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xiao Chen for winning the title of God of War. The God of War suit is fully upgraded, with unique attributes. The more courageous the battle, the defense of the suit itself is greatly enhanced."

"Ding! Congratulations to the player God of War suit, activate the second attribute, God of War defense!"

"The defensive power of the God of War is related to the more courageous the war. The stronger the enhanced power, the stronger the defensive power will be. At present, the attacks of the strong below the ancient sage can be ignored!"

Just when Xiao Chen was about to take advantage of the victory, the voice of the system suddenly rang in his mind, and at the same time, a very worn-out armor appeared on him, plus the thunder flames on him, the current Xiao Chen is so handsome that it cannot be described. , Like a real God of War.

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