Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2594: Fairy Fengluan shot!

After seeing Xiao Chen's methods, he couldn't help but step back a few steps before no one was willing to step forward. At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a terrifying force coming from behind him.

Xiao Chen suddenly turned around and saw a jade hand calling him, and the owner of the jade hand was Fairy Fengluan.

Seeing this, Xiao Chen's demon power seemed to be transpiring, and Xiao Chen struck out the Overlord Fist with a full blow!


Palm to fist meets in the air instantly. The next moment, a terrifying force pours out all around. Under this kind of power, all the strong can't bear to retreat.

Then he looked at Fairy Fengluan and Xiao Chen in shock, but the next moment, the two were separated, Fairy Fengluan took a step back, and Xiao Chen flew out to stabilize his figure, and Xiao Chen's face was flushed at this time. , Qi and blood surge in the body.


The powerhouses of all the forces are even more shocked and speechless. Although Fairy Fengluan only took a step back and Xiao Chen flew out directly, don’t underestimate this step. You must know that Fairy Fengluan is the sixth strongest ancient sage. By.

The ancient sage realm has one level and one level, which means that after the fourth level of the ancient sage, it will be difficult to climb to the blue sky after every small level, and the gap between each level is huge.

It can be said that the power of an ancient sage six-fold powerhouse is stronger than the combined power of a dozen ancient sage five-fold powerhouses, not to mention the ancient sage triple.

Being able to beat the Fairy Fengluan of the Sixth Layer of Old Sage back by one step is enough to demonstrate Xiao Chen's strength.

Fairy Fengluan stared at Xiao Chen closely, and said solemnly, "Who are you?"

"As expected to be the first person in the Southern Territory, this power really cannot be resisted by ordinary people." Xiao Chen raised his head and looked at Fairy Fengluan, with some rejoicing in his heart. Fortunately, he absorbed all the demon power in the Valley of the Dead. It is clean, otherwise the Bahuangquan will not be able to take it.

"Say, who are you?" Fairy Fengluan said solemnly again.

"Who I am, you will naturally know afterwards, but now is not the time to talk about this. The top priority now is to solve these people. It's just that my strength alone is not enough. It seems that I can only use that trick. Up!"

Xiao Chen said indifferently, and as his voice fell, outside the Canyon of the Dead, a powerful aura suddenly came out. In a blink of an eye, there were hundreds of powerful auras, and there were eight auras, even the slightest. Not weaker than Fairy Fengluan.

With the appearance of these breaths, the Canyon of the Dead suddenly darkened, as if the sky had suddenly collapsed. All the strong men looked up at this change, and were somewhat unclear.

However, this change only lasted for a few seconds, and it has been restored to its original state, but the Canyon of the Dead is no longer in the Qingzhou boundary, but has appeared in the celestial star field.

At this time, around the Canyon of the Dead, there were barriers of ten different colors, covering the entire Canyon of the Dead. It was the formation arranged by the ten deputy masters of the Sky Star Sect.

And outside the barrier, Xiao Chen stood lightly, behind him were eight great demon generals, and behind, there were nearly five hundred figures, all of which were monsters in the demon realm.

"Welcome to my world!"

Xiao Chen's faint voice sounded, instantly attracting the attention of all the strong, and then they saw the magic commander behind Xiao Chen, and their eyes suddenly showed incredible color.

"What, are all ancient sage strong?"

"There are more than five hundred ancient sages, and there are not so many ancient sages in the entire southern region, right!"

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