Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2596: Play a game!

"Surrender or die?"

"We will not surrender!"

Only the words fell, bang bang bang, among the four, three of them directly exploded into a cloud of blood, leaving only one young man with only the early cultivation of the Great Sage, looking at Xiao Chen with horror.

"I don't kill you because you don't have the qualification to die in my hands!" Xiao Chen said indifferently, and then Xiao Yun walked out, grabbed with her empty hand, and a ball of demon fire fell on the young man, tearing his heart to death In the screams, it turned to ashes.

After that, there were constantly strong people from the Qingzhou realm who were arrested by Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen only asked one question, and Qinglin was branded on the Dao of Heaven when he surrendered. Those who did not submit, Xiao Chen was not kind, let alone a word.

Xiao Chen’s decisive killing, and this unpredictable means, made the strong faces in the formation extremely solemn. Xiao Chen is not afraid of threats, talks about trades, and only asks for surrender. One word, kill!

There is no one who is not afraid of death, even the ancient sages are the same, or they are more afraid of death. The higher the cultivation level, the more they know that it is not easy to practice, and the more they will hesitate their lives. In this case, more and more strong choose Accept fate and surrender to Xiao Chen.

Including Huangfu Zhan and Huangfu Actress of Tianji Palace, who also knew each other well, all chose to surrender.

Unknowingly, the people in the Valley of the Dead, the dead, the surrendered, and soon, only Fairy Fengluan and others remained.

"You kill me." Fairy Fengluan looked at Xiao Chen and said calmly.

"I'm not willing to kill a beauty like you, let's play a game, aren't they all your apprentices? Let me see, besides the dead Ye Xiangwen, there are actually ten others." Xiao Chen looked at it. A glance at Fairy Fengluan, behind her, besides Nanmen Qianshan and Nanmen Qianque, there are eight apprentices.

"Well, if your ten apprentices are willing to die for you, then I, Xiao Chen, will let you out safe and sound. If any of them are unwilling, I will not kill you, I will only kill you. Stay and be my wife."

Xiao Chen looked at Fairy Fengluan, and at the same time pretended to look like a devilish ghost.

"You killed me directly." Fairy Fengluan looked cold.

"You have no choice, and they have no choice. They have only one way. Either die for you, or surrender to me and stay alive." Xiao Chen laughed, and then his eyes fell on Nanmen Qianshan and others. Body.

"Now it's up to the ten of you to make a choice, surrender to me, or die for your master and give you time to stick an incense. Think about it."

"Xiao Chen, is there really no room for negotiation?" Nanmen Qianshan asked, and Nanmen Qianque also looked at Xiao Chen nervously.

"No." Xiao Chen flatly refused, there was no room for reversal at all.

"By the way, Fairy Fengluan, don't have any other thoughts. If you die, ten of your apprentices will be buried for you."

Fairy Fengluan looked at Xiao Chen with a cold expression, and was not talking, while the expressions of her ten disciples were a bit complicated.

The time for a stick of incense has passed in the blink of an eye, and Fairy Fengluan’s choice of ten disciples has disappointed her to the extreme. Except for Nanmen Qianshan and Nanmen Qianque, the other eight disciples, All chose to submit to Xiao Chen, that is to say, they all chose to live.

"Hahaha, it seems that even the gods are taking care of me, let me get three beauties as soon as I get it, let's go to the room, although it is not a beautiful scene, but we can't waste a lot of time."

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