Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2600: One to one!

"I'm here!" Xiao Chen said, the old man in front of him is the Third Layer of the Old Sage. This Baihua Tower is really not to be underestimated. An old man with a shameless appearance is also the Third Layer of the Old Sage, but it makes Xiao Chen have a good understanding of the strength of the Baihua Tower. Initial understanding.

"Get ready, I'm here." Cheng Lao Dao, and then slapped a palm directly at Xiao Chen, until it was about to fall on Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen faintly punched, and the next moment Cheng Lao's body flew out and hit To the wall behind him, but this house was obviously specially arranged, and there was no loss in the wall.

"I'm not an idiot. If I didn't have the strength of the ancient sage, would I waste five million holy crystals in vain." Xiao Chen said lightly. Cheng Lao's hand only had the power of the advanced sage, so I couldn't prevent it. , Xiao Chen flew out.

"It's interesting. At least you already have the strength of Old Sage First Heavy in the punch just now, but I feel that you haven't shown your true strength yet." Cheng Lao was not injured. He looked at Xiao Chen with surprise in his eyes. It's hard to imagine, how could this young man with only the great sage and one layer have such a powerful force?

"If I show my true strength, I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it." Xiao Chen said.

Cheng Lao's expression stiffened, and then he laughed and said, "I didn't expect that the old man would have been underestimated. It is interesting. Do you have the courage to fight against the old man one-on-one? If you can satisfy the old man, the old man will not only Return five million holy crystals to you, and even give you a small jar of Hundred Flower Fairy Stuff for free!"

"Deal, free Baihua fairy brew, don't let it go for nothing." Xiao Chen did not hesitate.

"Good guts, you come with me." Cheng Lao smiled, then opened a secret door and walked down first. Xiao Chen thought for a while and followed with water.

And behind this secret door, there is no cave, it is a huge basement, in the middle of the basement, there is an arena, and the whole basement exudes the atmosphere of formation.

"It seems that this Baihua Tower is not simple." Xiao Chen was slightly frightened.

"Old man, why are you down?"

There are many figures in the basement, and they all salute respectfully when they see the old, and beside the ring, there is an old man. After seeing the old, he asked with some doubts.

"When you meet an interesting little friend, let's try your hand in the ring." Cheng Lao looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"Oh?" The old man looked at Xiao Chen in surprise, while Xiao Chen was also looking at the old man, slightly surprised in his heart. The old man in front of him was not only an ancient sage quadruple powerhouse, but also a great formation mage. I'm afraid this basement. All of the formations were made by the old man in front of him.

"You want to do it with him yourself?" The old man asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Cheng Lao nodded.

"Aren't you bullying people? He only has the Great Sage One heavy cultivation base." The old man said.

"Brother Fan, if he is really an ordinary great saint, will I bring him down?" Cheng Lao said helplessly.

"Interesting, let the old man see what is the difference between this little friend." Fan Lao was slightly taken aback, his eyes showed interest, then opened the formation, Cheng Lao and Xiao Chen walked up. To the ring.

And this scene instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the basement. They were very aware of the cultivation base of the old, and Xiao Chen's cultivation base, they could tell at a glance that the two were actually in the ring. They were naturally very curious.

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