Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2924: Skill enhancement card!

"What about you?" Xiao Chen looked at Cheng Sangun.

"We agree too!" Cheng Sangun said. Those who know the current affairs are brilliant, not to mention that they will not choose to die as long as they cultivate to this level.

The next thing is simple, as long as he takes the Gu Pill, Kerr will remove the War Slave Talisman for the opponent, and those with serious red names will be directly beheaded by Xiao Chen!

One day later, all the compilation was completed, and then Xiao Chen took the people back to the capital of Beiyan, and then the Chu family ancestor led some people to rebuild the Tongtian Continent.

And Xiao Chen was also in Xiao Mansion, retreating directly and tapping the things he had obtained.

A month later, Xiao Chen left the customs, his whole body was full of energy and blood, and he had reached the peak of the false pill. At this time, the entire Xiao Mansion was completely new, and there were Tier 5 powerhouses everywhere. Their state at this time was better than When I first came in, I was much stronger.

And the only task next is to conquer the Black Wind Forest.

After preparing for a turn, Xiao Chen brought nearly fifty Tier 5 powerhouses to the Black Wind Forest. There was nothing to do last time, but this time Xiao Chen made perfect preparations.

Just after entering the territory of the fifth-order elementary beast, a large number of elementary beasts emerged, and the leader was a fifth-order elementary beast. In addition, through the perception of the elf, Xiao Chen knew that there were a dozen people around. The fifth-order Yuan Beast surrounded here, and it might only take three minutes to arrive.

"Fifth Tier Yuan Beast, it's just right, you can just try the skill enhancement card!" Xiao Chen muttered, the skill enhancement card is a special card that appears in the pit margin after he completes the rescue mission. It is also divided into one to nine. Level, and the role of skill enhancement cards is to enhance the power of skills.

To put it simply, Xiao Chen already has a big sword in his hand. What he is about to use is the blade of the galaxy. If he uses the Tier 6 skill enhancement card, he can cut it out with this knife, which is equivalent to a strike of a Tier 6 powerhouse.

However, this yuan beast is only a fifth-level intermediate, and a fifth-level advanced skill enhancement card is sufficient.

As Xiao Chen slashed out, a magnificent blade light appeared, and then directly slashed through the elementary beast group. This knife cut at least hundreds of elementary beasts, including the fifth-order elementary beast.

In the next moment, these hundreds of Yuan beasts all turned into stars and disappeared from the sight of everyone.

The cold, black robe, fat woman, and Cheng Sancun behind Xiao Chen were all stupid. How could it be cut by a fake pill?

"Fire Qilin, it's time for you to play." Xiao Chen smiled, and then the Fire Qilin beside him suddenly roared, and the powerful coercion swept out, and the remaining Yuan beasts shivered with fright in an instant.

Immediately after the fire unicorn roared again, these elementary beasts immediately scattered and fled. Under the nourishment of Xiao Chen's desolate power, the fire unicorn also broke through the fifth rank. Under the pressure of the fifth-order elementary beast, these elementary beasts were no longer a climate. .

Just after these elementary beasts left, countless elementary beasts emerged around them, and it was a dozen fifth-order elementary beasts who were headed by them, and they were now completely surrounded.

"Each in place!" Xiao Chen said calmly, and as his voice fell, the people behind him had already stood in a circle, and in their hands, several seals appeared.

These characters were purchased by Xiao Chen in the Thanksgiving Mall while they were still there, and the quantity was beyond imagination.

"Prepare!" Xiao Chen said.

Everyone is ready!


As Xiao Chen's voice fell, everyone threw the talisman in their hands at the Yuan Beast Group, and then in the Yuan Beast Group, there was an explosion in an instant, engulfing countless Yuan Beasts.

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