Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2925: Wrong!

Black Wind Forest!

As the talisman seals were thrown into the Yuan beast group, a series of explosions sounded instantly, engulfing countless Yuan beasts.

Countless Yuan beasts died directly under the explosion.

Looking at the explosions around them coldly, they felt blood boiled. Although they had also had fifth-order talisman seals, they had never used it like this. At this time, they felt as if they had suddenly become local tyrants, and they could use their money at will. same.

After the explosion, there were not many yuan beasts everywhere, and the wounds and tragic injuries, with another round of bombing, there were almost no yuan beasts around that could stand up. Of course, this did not include a few powerful ones. Yuan beast.

"It deserves to be a fifth-order high-level elementary beast. This is not dead." Xiao Chen looked at the four fifth-order elementary beasts that were still standing. After two rounds of bombing, they were only injured a bit, but it is a pity that Xiao Chen is in his hands. There were still a lot of Fu Zhuan, and after several rounds of bombing, all four Yuan Beasts were bombed into scum.

"Master San, you won't be the illegitimate child of a big man in the Fushun Guild, otherwise, how could you have so many Tier 5 Fushang?" The Fat Woman couldn't help asking.

"Fat girl, the identity of this young master is much stronger than that of some Fuzhuan Guild leader, follow this young master well, this young master will give you a bright light." Xiao Chen patted the fat woman on the shoulder and said very seriously.

"Is he really the illegitimate son of a certain gangster?" The Fat Woman was stunned.

"Four-winged bat, I know you can hear what I said, so show up and see it." Xiao Chen ignored the fat woman's astonishment, just turned and said loudly.

There was silence all around.

Until now, Xiao Chen discovered a serious problem. Although he had cleaned up the four-winged bat, as long as the four-winged bat could not escape, he could not find a way out.

"Four-winged bat, get out of this young master, otherwise this young master will burn the entire Black Wind Forest with a torch and make you a bald bat!"

"You cowardly dead bat, get out of this young master!"

"Four-winged bat, come out, as long as you follow this young master, this young master will keep you safe for the rest of your life."

Xiao Chen's voice kept ringing in the Black Wind Forest, but no matter what he said, there was no movement in the Black Wind Forest.

"Little elf, can't you find the position of the four-winged bat?" Xiao Chen asked.

"No, the four-winged bat uses its external avatar to hide in the elementary beast. As long as it does not take the initiative to come out, there is no way to find it, unless all elementary beasts in the Tongtian Continent are killed!"

"Is there no way to get out after you have reached this point?" Xiao Chen said unwillingly.

"In fact, there is another way, but I don't know if it can be done." The elf thought for a while.

"What way?" Xiao Chen asked hurriedly.

"Since it does not come out, then we will lure it out. Generally speaking, four-winged bats value bloodline very much. If four-winged bat blood is used as bait, in order to break through and evolve into a six-winged bat, maybe it will appear. Born from the real body."

"Four-winged bat essence and blood." Xiao Chen's mind sank directly to the pit margin value and searched for the four-winged bat essence and blood. However, if he wants to purchase the essence and blood, I am afraid he will be back before liberation again, but he wants to be as soon as possible. This is the only way to leave.

"Four-winged bat blood is indeed very attractive, but with the cowardly and cautious nature of the four-winged bat, I am afraid it will be difficult to induce it!" Xiao Chen said.

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