Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2927: Mysterious Six Wings!

And in the past three years, Xiao Chen is also the most relaxed, accompanied by Ke'er, traveling around, saving the dying and healing the wounded, and running the Nine Turns Divine Desolation Jue and the Soul Refining Art if nothing happens. Although the cultivation base has not been enhanced, the physical strength and soul strength are It has been greatly improved.

"The vitality of the entire Tongtian Continent seems to be much stronger than before." In a tavern somewhere in a certain country, Xiao Chen and Ke'er pretended to be an ordinary couple and talked happily.

"These are all your credit." Xiao Chen smiled.

"Thank you Xianggong for being with me for the past three years."

"Silly girl, you are my wife. I should do my company by my side." Xiao Chen petted and said, for the past three years, Xiao Chen has been with Ke'er, and the four-winged bat has not appeared, although I can't leave. , But it can be considered a stable life for three years.

"Two, do you mind if I do it here?" At this moment, a handsome man with a folding fan spoke gently.

"I mind." Xiao Chen glanced at the young man lightly, and a different color flashed in his eyes.

"I don't know how this girl is called?" The young man ignored Xiao Chen, but sat down straight, looked at Ke'er, and asked gently.

"You can call me Kerr." Kerr smiled.

"Ker, good name, I wonder if I can invite the girl to the mansion for a comment?" The young man invited with a smile.

"What do you think Xiang Gong?" Kerr looked at Xiao Chen.

"Since this prince is so kind, we are bothering." Xiao Chen said.

"I also want to sit in the mansion of the young man, I don't know if it's okay?" At this moment, a very enchanting woman in a red dress walked over slowly. Suddenly, the entire restaurant's eyes fell on When she touched her body, her eyes were hot.

"It is an honor for such a beautiful woman to be willing to go to the lower mansion. Three people please." The young man's eyes flashed astonishment, and then he took Xiao Chen and the three to leave the restaurant and came to a huge mansion.

After the mansion hall was seated, the young man sat on the main seat and smiled faintly: "In the Lower Sixth Wing, I don't know how these two are called?

"Xiao Chen." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Tongtian!" The woman also said.

"Xiao Chen, Tongtian, interesting." Liuyi smiled, but his smile was a little weird, and at this moment, the eyes of Xiao Chen, Ke'er, and Tongtian in the hall instantly turned red.

"Zhuzha, two beautiful beauties, it seems that some have played today, but let's solve this kid first." Liuyi licked his lips, and then came to Xiao Chen.

"Answer this seat, where did the four-winged bat blood on your body come from?"

"Return to the master, I got it accidentally." Xiao Chen replied respectfully.

"Do you still have four-winged bat blood?" Liuyi asked again.


"take it out!"

"Yes, Master!" Xiao Chen took out a small bottle in his hand, which contained the four-winged bat's blood. After seeing the blood, six-winged eyes burst into greed.

"It's really God's help. With this bottle of blood, I will definitely help this seat break through again, but it takes a lot of time to make a breakthrough. Let's have fun with these two little beauties."

Liuyi took the vial, and then his eyes fell on Ke'er and Tongtian, his eyes full of filthy smiles.

"You color bat, why don't you play cards according to common sense." At this moment, the red in Xiao Chen's eyes had faded and turned black. The vial was indeed four-winged bat blood, but it was added inside. The psychedelic, I wanted Six Wings to take it directly after using the essence and blood, but I didn't expect this guy to be a color bat.

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