Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2928: Take down the six wings!

"You weren't controlled by this seat, and you recognized your identity?" Liuyi turned around and looked at Xiao Chen with surprise in his eyes.

"It seems that you have successfully evolved the six-winged bat. You should already have a Tier 6 cultivation base. Previously, you could only control the Yuan Beast. After Tier 6, can even the determined human race be able to control it?" Xiao Chen said lightly. .

"You are right, thanks to you." Six-winged Bat sneered.

"I really can't steal the chicken, but I heard that bats like you are cowardly and timid. When did you dare to appear in the human world?" Xiao Chen sighed.

"Hmph, although I don't know why you are not controlled by this seat, but you are only Tier 3, and this seat is Tier 6, taking your life, like searching for things, what is terrible about this seat." Six wings sneered.

"Tsk tsk, it turns out that after breaking through the sixth rank, you have the confidence, no wonder you dare to appear in the human world, but it is a pity that you met this young master, even if you break through the sixth rank, it will not help."

Xiao Chen laughed and said, despite this, Xiao Chen was solemn to the extreme. In the past three years, Tokol’s blessing, he has gained a lot of pitfalls, but he only bought a skill enhancement card, that is, He must kill with one blow, otherwise there is only a dead end waiting for them.

"Hmph, kid, you are too arrogant, you die for this seat!" Six-winged Bat said angrily, and then patted Xiao Chen directly with a palm.

"Overlord Fist, Tier 6 skill enhancement card, use it!"

Xiao Chen said solemnly in his heart, and then directly hit the palm of the six-winged bat with a punch. The next moment, something that made Xiao Chen dumbfounded happened, and the six-winged bat was directly beaten into a pile of blood with his punch.

"I'm going, aren't you a sixth-order elementary beast? Why can't I even catch my punch? How can I get out if you are dead."

"It's not dead!" the elf said, and just as her voice fell, the blood mist turned into a bat and fled outside the door, but at this moment, a holy light fell on the bat, and then it burned. The bat suddenly fell to the ground and turned into a human being.

"You weren't even controlled?" The Six-winged Bat looked at Kerr as his eyes returned to normal, and said in disbelief.

"Your soul control technique, in my eyes, is nothing more than a small carving skill. You have just been punched by my grandfather. Although you are reborn using the power of your bloodline, you only have a Tier 5 cultivation base. If you can take us out of the Tongtian Continent , We can spare your life."

Kerr said softly.

"Hmph, you want me to surrender to you humans, don't think about it!" The six-winged bat said coldly, "Incarnate outside!"

As the six-winged bat's voice fell, he suddenly turned into a house of black bats, and then went in all directions, while some black bats directly penetrated the void and fled to the distance.

"Tongtian, since you are already awake, can you help me." Kerr looked at Tongtian who was slowly regaining consciousness, and said softly.

"Willing to help!" Tongtian smiled.

Xiao Chen looked at Tongtian, somewhat strange, he couldn't see through the cultivation base of Tongtian, even the elf could not see through the sky.

And as the voice of the sky fell, the bodies of the black bats that were scattered and fleeing suddenly stopped, and then as if being held, they turned back toward the hall, and finally merged together and transformed into a six-winged bat. The six-winged bat was motionless, as if it had performed a hold method.

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