Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2929: The spirit of formation!

"What's the matter, why can't this seat travel through the void anymore, what have you done?" Six-winged bat looked at Xiao Chen and the three of them roared, with unconcealable horror on their faces. Ji Yuan Beast connected.

"Thank you for the girl's help." Kerr arched his hands towards Tongtian.

"This is what I should do." Tongtian replied, and then pointed to the six-winged bat, "You captured this little bat because you want to leave the Tongtian continent."

"It's true, but if I knew that I would meet a girl, I didn't need to use so much energy to catch a useless bat." Ke'er laughed.

"It seems that you have guessed my identity, I can send you away, but I have one condition, I want you two to accompany me for three months." Tongtiandao.

"As a parent, you should be by your daughter's side, but the enchanting character is not suitable for you, so you can change to a pure and lovely one." Keer laughed, making people feel like spring breeze.

"My mother is so beautiful!" Tongtian couldn't help but praise.

"What the **** is your mother?" Xiao Chen was stunned.

"My father is so stupid. I haven't guessed the identity of his daughter yet. It seems that my mother is clever." Tongtian changed her body into a pure and lovely little girl in white clothes. She gave Xiao Chen a fierce look. .

"I'm going, what the **** is father?" Xiao Chen looked at Tongtian, and didn't understand what had happened. How could they get a better daughter.

"Little Tongtian, you can send this bat away, and we will take you out to play." Kerr hugged Xiao Tongtian.

"Good mother." Xiao Tongtian waved his small hand, and the six-winged bat had disappeared.

"Ker, what is going on?" Xiao Chen asked very puzzled.

"Do you still remember the golden tower formation you used to rescue the Tongtian Continent three years ago?" Ke'er asked.

"of course I remember."

"Although the Golden Tower Formation disappeared after a month, the aura of its formation was absorbed by the prohibition of the Tongtian Continent. With the addition of these three years, I continued to use the Holy Light, and the entire Tongtian Continent became more vigorous. , So an accident happened."

"What's the accident?" Xiao Chen wondered.

"Idiot, that accident was me." Xiao Tongtian looked at Xiao Chen disgustingly.

"You?" Xiao Chen looked at Xiao Tongtian still a little puzzled.

"So, Xiaochenzi, you are really stupid. The little guy in front of you is the spirit of the formation, absorbing the spirit of the formation of the golden tower formation, and the power of the holy light, forming the spirit of the formation, or Can become the spirit of the mainland." The elf knocked Xiao Chen on the head, hating iron but not steel.

"The spirit of the formation, the spirit of the mainland, what the hell?"

"To put it simply, there is your aura on the Golden Pagoda formation, and the power of the Holy Light has the breath of a child. Through the aura of the formation and the aura of the Holy Light, Lingzhi is born from the restriction of the Tongtian Continent. You are equivalent to her Parents." The elf explained.

"Damn, you are the spirit of the formation created by the entire Tongtian Continent?" Xiao Chen finally reacted, and then couldn't help but shout out in shock.

"Father, you finally understand." Xiao Tongtian said in disgust.

"This..." Although Xiao Chen had heard that all things reached a certain level, they could give birth to spiritual wisdom, but he never thought that the little Tongtian in front of him would be the spirit of the formation of Tongtian Continent.

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