Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2937: Father and son compete!

Tushan City, a restaurant!

Looking at the sudden appearance of Santo and others, many diners changed their faces.

The young city lord looked at the city lord, his face sank instantly, and he said solemnly: "Father, you have robbed me of hundreds of women. I will never let this woman out."

"Asshole thing, are you trying to grab a woman from the city lord?" The city lord shouted angrily, his fat body trembling.

"Father, don't go too far." Young City Lord said angrily.

"Why, you have become more skilled, do you think you have the strength to fight against this city lord?" The city lord said coldly.

"Father, don't force me!" Young City Master said gloomily, his expression a bit crazy, the city master is not the first time a woman robbed him, there is no father and son between them, more like a pair of enemies.

"If it wasn't for the fact that you are the only son of the city lord, the lord has killed you a long time ago, so hurry up and take your people to the lord, otherwise don't blame the lord for shooting you out!"

The city lord glanced at the young city lord coldly, his eyes full of indifference.

"You forced me." Young City Lord said frantically, and then a talisman seal appeared in his hand, which was suddenly crushed, and then a burst of devilish energy appeared, and then five figures slowly walked out of the devilish energy, exuding horror. Devilish.

"Jiejie, the kid did a good job, this son, this seat is closed!" As a cold voice fell, the five faces were fierce, and people with killing intent appeared in front of everyone.

"You are the terrible evil star among the seventy-two evil spirits!" The city lord looked at the middle-aged man standing in the middle, his eyes flashed shocked and he lost his voice.

"Nizi, you actually colluded with Seventy-two Disha, you are going to ruin Tushan City!" The city lord roared at Young City Master. Seventy-two Disha are some murderous guys, cooperating with these guys is undoubtedly Looking for the skin with the tiger, and the Seventy-two Sha and Seventy-two City are mortal enemies, how could they easily let go of Tushan City.

"I can't get the things you can't expect to get. Since you can't get them, it's better to just destroy them." Young City Lord said frantically.

"Hahaha, kid, promising, I am very optimistic about you!" The terrible dog star laughed.

The city lord looked at the terrestrial dog evil star, his face was heavy, the terrestrial dog evil star is also the seventh-strength Yuan Ying, and his body is so strong that he is not comparable to him, plus the four people around the earth dog evil star are also Yuan Ying The strong, and when he came out this time, he didn't bring anyone. If he really fights, he must lose.

Thinking of this, the city owner had already retreated in his heart.

"My Lord, if you dare to escape, this seat will slaughter everyone here." The dog evil star seemed to have discovered the intention of the city lord and sneered.

"How can this city owner care about the lives of a group of ants?" The city owner snorted and ran out. He didn't care about the life and death of Tushan City.

The dog evil star chased it out, and at the same time a grim voice came out: "Kill, don't leave one!"

"Foster father, can you leave this woman to me?" Young City Lord pointed at Kerr.

"Of course." Digou evil star smiled, the voice fell, and it has disappeared.

"Beauty, you are mine!" Young City Lord looked at Ke'er, his face full of perverted possessiveness.

Leng Bing and Heipao looked at the Young City Lord who was walking over, with killing intent in their eyes, and at this moment, a figure suddenly fell in front of Young City Lord.

"Who are you, get out of this Young Master!" Young City Master reprimanded coldly.

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