Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2938: Shameless Santo!

Only the next moment, he felt a sharp pain, and then found a finger hole in his chest, the blood was flowing unstoppable, and then he fell down with consternation and unwillingness.

"Xuandan Sanzhong, it's only been a day of retreat, and it has broken through two small realms in a row?" Leng Bing and Heipao looked at Xiao Chen who suddenly appeared and killed Young City Lord with one move, their eyes were full of shock.

"Fake pill eightfold, not only spin pill, this young city lord is too weak, but it can be regarded as completing a side mission and gaining a fortune value!"

Killing the Young City Lord is just a simple task for Xiao Chen, but this kind of task is simple and the rewards are rich. Xiao Chen hopes to be able to come.

"I just felt an unusual breath, but what happened?" Xiao Chen asked.

Kerr simply said the matter again.

"City Lord of Tushan City, are the terrestrial dogs in the seventy-two evil spirits? They seem to be on the mission. If so, don't blame me for being rude."

Xiao Chen said in his heart, and then directly led Kerr and the others to kill.

At this time, above Tushan City, Earth Dog Fiend took the four of them and had already handed over to the strong man in the City Lord’s Mansion. The City Lord only cared about running, regardless of Tushan City’s life or death, while Earth Dog Fiend chased the City Lord. While attacking Tushan City casually, Tushan City suddenly suffered heavy casualties.

"This **** city lord usually only cares about eating, drinking and having fun. Now when he encounters something, he runs faster than anyone!"

"Damn it, how could the people of Seventy-two Earthshakes suddenly appear in the city? If this continues, the entire Tushan City will be slaughtered!"

Some Tushan city powerhouses desperately fought to protect Tushan city, and some saw that there was no turning point, so they abandoned Tushan city and fled outside.

"Ker!" Xiao Chen looked at Kerr.

Kerr nodded, and then muttered something in her mouth: "The wings of the power of the holy light, the power of the gods, the power of the gods!"

As Ke'er's voice fell, three rays of light fell on Xiao Chen's body, and the three suddenly felt a powerful force coming.

"Leng Bing, Black Robe, you can stop the terrible Gou Shaxing and prevent him from continuing to do evil." Xiao Chen ordered. After Leng Bing and Hei Robe regained their cultivation, they are both in the sixth stage of the Nascent Infant, plus the fifth-order magic weapon. Tier 5 secret skills, as well as Kerr's blessings, stopping a seven-layer Nascent Soul's earth-dog evil star is not a problem at all!

"Yes, Third Young Master!"

The two nodded their heads, and then they had already moved towards the terrible evil star who was laughing wildly.

Xiao Chen glanced at the four battlefields, and then his eyes fell on a place where a one-on-two battle was in progress. A Yuanying triple earth evil murderer slinged two Yuanying triple powerhouses in the city lord’s mansion, and the devil was rolling. The two strong men couldn't get close at all.

"Fire Qilin!" Xiao Chen thought, Huo Qilin had already appeared next to him, Xiao Chen turned over and sat, and at the same time a big knife appeared in his hand, the vitality of the knife was condensed, and the universe had already activated with the help of the force.

Huo Qilin headed towards the Yuan Ying triple powerhouse, spit out a flame, and instantly burned a path in the billowing devil gas. The Huo Qilin stepped on the flame and rushed into the city lord’s mansion powerhouse’s astonished gaze. In the devilish qi, and then in the horrified gaze of the earth evil murderer, the knife fell with his hand, and a human head flew out directly.

"What did I see?"

"We are not mistaken, the two of us who had no strength to fight back were severed with a single knife."

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