Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2939: Catch the thief first!

"That is a fifth-order low-level elementary beast, that kid is only the triple spin pill!"

The faces of the two Tushan city powerhouses were full of shock, but at this moment, two holy lights fell on them, and the injuries they suffered suddenly recovered more than half.

"You go and help others!"

"Thank you, senior!" The two looked at Kerr who was radiating the holy light. They couldn't see through Kerr's cultivation, and they could restore most of their strength in an instant. How could ordinary people do it? They immediately regarded Kerr as A senior expert.

Xiao Chen glanced at the other four battlefields. The terrestrial dog evil star had been completely restrained, but the figure of the city lord disappeared, and the other powerhouses of Tushan City, after a brief period of chaos, also used more to beat the others. The three evil assailants were restrained.

"Catch the thieves first!"

Xiao Chen had already made a decision, and then stood up on Huo Qilin, facing the terrestrial dog evil star, and shouted: "Black robe, coldly, hold him back and watch me take his dog's life!"

Hearing that, the black robe and Leng Bing, at the same time, shot with all their strength, a cold palm and a black flame, patted the dog evil star on the ground.

Earth Gou Fiend had a gloomy face, his body's devilish energy rolled, and his hands turned over, and the two devilish energy had already blocked the cold palm and black flame.

"Who on earth are you two? You dare to block this seat, don't you want to live anymore?"

"Earth dog evil star, you are all evil and you are murderous. Today, this young master will pronounce you death instead of justice!"

Xiao Chen stood on Huo Qilin, holding the long knife in his hand high, and a powerful force began to gather on the long knife.

"A mere spinner boy dare to do something to this seat. This seat will definitely want you to pull your skin and muscles, so that you can't survive and die!" The dog evil star yelled coldly, and was intercepted by two people who suddenly appeared. He was furious, and now even a junior dared to do something against him, the killing intent in his heart was like a volcanic eruption.

"When you die, you dare to speak up, Galaxy Blade, cut!"

Xiao Chen said coldly, and the big knife in his hand was cut directly, and then a sword light that pierced through the entire Tushan City appeared, and under the eyes of countless people, it cut down on the terrible star.

"No, how can this power be possible? This is not something that a junior spinner can display at all. Who are you on earth!"

Looking at the cut blade light, the terrible dog evil star's face changed drastically. The whole body of evil spirits hurriedly stood in front of him, trying to block the cut blade light, but the magical energy shield, like paper, was directly cut away. , And then the blade light slashed through the body of the dog evil star, and fell to the street, the whole street split instantly!

With the appearance of the horrible sword light, everyone stopped their movements. Even the other three evil assailants stopped fighting, all looking at the sword in shock.

"Hey, another skill enhancement card was wasted, but the terrible dog evil star can be regarded as the mission target, or Yuan Ying Seventh, this wave is not a loss."

Xiao Chen stood up with his sword in a light wind, and at this moment, the body of the terrible dog evil star turned into starlight and disappeared from the sight of everyone. Suddenly, there was a silence nearby, and it was incredible to watch. The figure on the fire Qilin.

Xiao Chen stood on the fire Qilin, and then Kerr came to him, standing behind them in the cold black robe, with indifferent eyes swept down below, and as they swept across, everyone involuntarily bowed their heads.

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