Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2940: I am the lord!

Xiao Chen's final gaze fell on the remaining three earth evil assassins, and said indifferently: "Surrender, or die!"

"We surrender!"

The three terrible assailants were taken aback. They thought they were bound to die, and they were ready to die. They didn't expect things to turn around. The ants were still alive, not to mention them.

"From today, I am the city lord of Tushan City, but some people are not convinced!"

Xiao Chen said indifferently.

Hearing that, everyone was shocked, and then there was surprise on their faces. It was great news for them to be able to kill the predecessor of the dog evil star as the city lord.

"See the city lord!"

As a voice sounded, others followed suit. First, because the former City Master was really not a thing, and second, because Xiao Chen and the others showed their strength, the strong, no matter where they went, would be respectable.

Xiao Chen glanced at the strong Nascent Soul in Tushan City, and said, "Which of you has the highest position!"

"Qizi City Lord, in Xia Lao Dou, he is the Deputy City Lord of Tushan City!" An older man who reached the fifth level of Yuan Ying said respectfully.

"Old Dou, as the city lord, I order you to be the acting city lord of Tushan City. You are in charge of Tushan City's affairs. I don't have high demands on you. I just want a well-mannered Tushan City!"

Xiao Chen instructed that he didn't have the time and patience to manage Tushan City, but Lao Dou, who was familiar with Tushan City and had a high cultivation base, was the most suitable candidate.

"Follow the instructions of the city lord!" Old Dou arched his hands.

"In addition, those who have just participated in the protection of Tushan City have been rewarded with great rewards. Those Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses who have not saved Tushan City are not allowed to step into Tushan City. Offenders will be killed without mercy!"

"Yes, City Lord!" Old Dou said.

After arranging everything, Xiao Chen and the others were arranged to the City Lord’s Mansion. The rest of the rectification was carried out by Lao Dou. After all, he was the former Deputy City Lord, and the City Lord didn’t care, so his prestige was still very high. Order, start execution.

The best room in the city lord mansion.

"The task of replacing the city lord is almost completed. The next step is to wait. Tushan City has one final task, which is to kill the previous city lord."

The last city lord not only escaped when he was in danger and ignored Tushan City, but he also ran away with all the income of the city lord’s mansion for decades. No matter what the reason, Xiao Chen must take him!

A few days later, Lao Dou hurriedly found Xiao Chen.

"City Lord, found the news about that fat man."

"Oh, where?" Xiao Chen stood up instantly.

"The city lord, according to his subordinates, the fat man wanted to come back when he learned that Tushan City was okay, but after learning that Tushan City had a new city lord, he didn’t know how to win over Daliang City. Now the people in Daliang City Coming towards Tushan City, I am afraid that within two hours, he will appear in Tushan City."

Old Dou hurriedly said.

"Daliang City, I didn't expect to have something to do with this Beam City again." Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and then he looked at Old Dou and said: "Call the strong right away, let's meet this shameless fat man for a while!"

On the wall of the east gate of Tushan City, Xiao Chen and others stood lightly, and all the strong Yuan Ying stood behind him. Except for the cold black robe, there are eight in the City Lord’s Mansion, but they are not high in strength, and there are others who surrender. Three terrible murderers.

It didn't take long for a rumbling sound to be heard, accompanied by dozens of powerful auras. Soon, a powerful team of about 500 people had gathered under the city wall.

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