Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2941: Daliang City is coming!

And headed by a seven-fold strong Yuan Ying, it is the city lord of Daliang City, Hengdao, and next to him is the city lord of Tushan City, the ugly fat man!

"I am the city lord of Tushan City, quickly open the city gate to this city lord!" the fat man shouted.

"In our Tushan City, when has there been such an ugly and fat lord?" Xiao Chen asked, looking at the old Dou beside him.

"Never before." Old Doudao.

"Dead fat man, it's not your fault to be ugly, but you shouldn't be scared. It's okay to scare us, but you can't afford to scare the flowers and plants on the roadside!"

Xiao Chen said loudly.

"Bastard, what are you, dare to speak to this city lord like this!" The fat man trembled and said angrily.

"Then what are you?"

"This city owner is not a thing!"

"So you are not something." Xiao Chen laughed, and after hearing what Xiao Chen meant, both the city wall and the people in Daliang City laughed.

"Asshole!" The fat man stared at Xiao Chen with a sullen look, and his murderous intent surged, wishing to go up and kill Xiao Chen now.

Hengdao glanced at the fat man with disdain, then looked at Xiao Chen and others, and shouted coldly: "I am City Lord Hengdao of Daliang City, and City Lord Tushan City is my friend. I am here to help my friend get rid of the evil spirits. Open the city gate quickly, otherwise the murderer will be dealt with with the party, and there will be no mercy!"

"I'll go, don't put gold on your face, okay, when have I been friends with you?" Xiao Chen exaggeratedly said while looking at Hengdao.

"You are the new city lord of Tushan City Dove occupying the magpie's nest?" Heng Dao frowned slightly. Although he heard that there was a new city lord in Tushan City, he did not expect to be so young and just a spinner.

"City Lord, this person seems to be a bit familiar, like the one who killed San Gongzi's butler." Suddenly a strong Yuan Ying approached Hengdao.


"It turned out to be him, that just counts the new hatred and the old hatred together!" Hengdao's eyes flickered and stared at Xiao Chen coldly: "Give you ten breaths of time and Kaicheng surrender, otherwise the city lord will just go in!"

"Why use ten breaths?" Xiao Chen said lightly, and then stepped out, stepping out of the city wall and volleying to the top of the army in Daliang City.

"What is the city lord doing?" Old Dou looked at Xiao Chen suspiciously, not only he was suspicious, Hengdao and others also looked suspiciously at Xiao Chen.

"City Lord Hengdao, what exactly did this fat man promise you to let you take action?" Xiao Chen asked lightly.

"The city lord doesn't like to look up and talk to others." Hengdao frowned.

"Oh, is that so?" Xiao Chen said lightly, and then fell directly into the crowd, looking at Hengdao, "I must take the life of that ugly fat man. If you can take the people from Daliang City with you, I I can spare your lives!"

"The mere Xuandan, surrounded by the people of the city lord, dare to speak so boldly, who gives you the courage?" A different color flashed in Hengdao's eyes, surrounded by so many strong people, even the strong Yuan Ying could not be indifferent, and But Xiao Chen didn't have any expression on his face.

"City Lord Hengdao, do you know who attacked Tushan City?" Xiao Chen smiled.

Hengdao frowned slightly. He only knew that the evil spirits attacked Tushan City, but he also knew the virtue of the fat man, so he didn't inquire in detail.

"It's the terrible evil star in the 72 evil!"

"What, it turned out to be him!" Hengdao was slightly surprised. He knows the terrible evil star, and his strength is equal to him. "Damn fat guy, he didn't tell me such important news."

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