Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2959: Will be against the generals, the soldiers against the soldiers!

"Captain Xiao Chen, the list of matches has come out. We are playing against Shangguan Jun." Qi Queque said bitterly.

"Shangguanjun, I admit that he is very strong, but for the six of us, can't we take him alone?" Xiao Chen said.

"If he is alone, the key is that he has formed a team. With his identity, he has echoed a hundred responses. Now in his team, besides him, there are ten Pill Pill Peaks!" Ghost smiled bitterly.

"What?" Xiao Chen was also taken aback, and then laughed, "It seems that Shangguan Jun also understands that sometimes a person is strong and needs team support."

"Now is not the time to laugh. Facing a Shangguan Jun, we are all a little bit powerless. With the addition of ten other people, we have no chance of winning at all." Guichi said helplessly. Although he is confident, he also faces Shangguan Jun. Without any confidence.

Xiao Chen thought for a while, and said, "If Shangguan Jun is handed over to me, are you sure to stop the other ten people?"

"If there is no Shangguanjun, don't say that the other ten people stop them, even if they are all defeated, it will not be a problem at all, but are you really sure to deal with Shangguanjun? You know, even if I merge the ghosts, it is in his hands. Can't support a few tricks."

Guizhi Ning said.

"I never do things that are uncertain." Xiao Chen said lightly. Although his face was calm, he was full of confidence.

Guichi was taken aback, and then said: "Okay, then let us go to Guanjun for a while!"

In the third round of the competition, the four arenas are combined, and everyone’s attention is focused on one arena. The rest are the top talents of each city and the royal family. Both the cultivation base and the combat power are extremely powerful. When I got up, there were signs of broken formations, and the people who watched were excited.

After several trials, the arena was broken. After being re-reinforced by the formation mage, everyone suddenly became very looking forward to it, because in the next game, the team led by Shangguanjun was on the court. Shangguanjun stood in front, ten. The powerhouse of Xuandan peak stood behind him, his majestic aura instantly caused a carnival in the audience.

"Let’s play too." Xiao Chen took the Five Ghosts and Qi Queque into the ring, which caused another uproar. Whether it was the Five Ghosts of the Ghost Stone City or the Xiao Chen who had won the ghost idiot, they were all Many people remember that the confrontation with Shangguanjun was the match they were looking forward to most.

"Ghost, I didn't expect that we would encounter this situation. The shame of losing the battle before, I must let you return this time!"

A young man behind Shangguanjun said.

"Heping, it turns out that you are the defeated general. There is no place for you to speak." Guichi glanced at the young man and said with disdain. The young man in front of him met Guichi and them in the first round and chose to give up directly. He didn't have the courage to fight, and now he jumped out and clamored again, Guichi simply ignored it.

"You!" Ruping's face instantly sank.

"Shangguanjun, this is our Captain Xiao Chen, he has something to say to you." Guichi ignored Ruping, but looked directly at Shangguanjun.

"What do you want to say?" Shangguan Jun looked at Xiao Chen.

"Let's have a duel between generals and soldiers, how about?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Will the generals, the soldiers against the soldiers?" Shangguan Jun looked at Xiao Chen slightly surprised and said, "Can I understand that you want to fight with me?"

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