Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2960: The evil spirit is coming!

"That's exactly what I meant." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Hahaha, boy, you are not sick, you want to stand up against Prince Shangguanjun, what do you think you are, what qualifications do you have?" Shangguanjun has not spoken yet, and Ruiping sneered with disdain, behind Shangguanjun The others also showed disdainful smiles.

"How about it, dare you?" Xiao Chen looked at Shangguan Jun.

"How to determine the outcome?" Shangguan Jun asked.

"As long as you can win a game, even if we lose." Xiao Chen said, and his words caused an uproar in an instant. Everyone had only one feeling, and Xiao Chen was too arrogant.

"Boy, you are too arrogant, do you really think that you are the opponent of Prince Shangguan Jun to defeat the ghost?" Ruping sneered.

No one cared about Ruping at all, Xiao Chen just looked at Shangguan Jun lightly, waiting for his choice.

"It seems that you are very confident, so if you lose, you will join my team together and follow my orders." Shangguan Jun said.

"Then if you lose, will you join my team and listen to my orders?" Xiao Chen said.

"Why not, as long as you can win."

"That's OK, let's start fighting." Xiao Chen said lightly, and then took Qi Queque, retreated to the edge of the ring, and handed the battlefield to the five ghosts, and Shangguan Jun also retreated to the edge of the ring and brought the battlefield. Give it to the ten powerhouses of Xuandan peak.

"The test begins!" Seeing the two parties discussed, the referee announced directly.

"Ghost, fusion!"

The referee's voice fell, and the five ghosts directly summoned ghosts, and then merged together, and the five people's cultivation level instantly skyrocketed.

"Five ghosts, evil spirits are coming!"

The ghost uttered a deep cry, the breath of the five people suddenly merged together, and the whole ring was full of yin and wind, and the five people directly merged into the surrounding environment, and then a vicious ghost full of ferociousness landed out, a powerful breath, instantly Alarmed everyone.

"What a terrifying aura, this is the strongest method used by the Five Ghosts of Ghost Stone City, will the evil ghosts come?"

"This evil ghost, at least, has an aura equivalent to that of Yuan Ying!"

Shangguan Jun looked at the huge evil spirit and frowned slightly, but at this moment, the evil spirit moved, reaching the extreme speed, and instantly came to Wuping's side. Before Wuping could react, he was already caught by the evil spirit. The paw patted out.

Ruiping spit out a mouthful of blood, his breath was languid, and he had lost his combat effectiveness. The evil spirit was not only powerful, but also fast to the extreme. The remaining few people were dignified to the extreme in an instant and hurriedly attacked.

A series of powerful attacks fell on the evil spirits, but the damage caused to the evil spirits was minimal, and the expressions of other people suddenly changed. At this moment, another scream came and another person was eliminated. , Lost combat effectiveness.

"It's so strong. Regardless of power, speed, or defense, it has reached the level of Nascent Soul. Is this where the Five Ghosts are truly powerful." Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed. The strength of the Five Ghosts exceeded his imagination. The displayed strength, I am afraid that it will completely end the battle in a while.

Shangguan Jun frowned. He also felt the power of the evil spirits. The power of the evil spirits had exceeded the level of the spin pill. It was only a matter of time before the ten spin pill peaks were defeated, and it was indeed as they thought, screaming one after another. The sound came, just for a moment, the ten Xuandan peaks had all lost their combat effectiveness.

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