Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2961: Strong showdown!

On the arena, as the ten Xuandan peaks were all defeated, the evil spirits disappeared and the five ghosts reappeared in front of everyone, except for their weak aura, without any discomfort.

Wugui glanced at Shangguan Jun, and then backed away. At this moment, Xiao Chen walked up, Shangguan Jun also walked up, and the battlefield was handed over to the two!

"Let's start!" Shangguan Jun said lightly.


"The earth dragon turned over!" Shangguan Jun was not polite, tapping the spear lightly in his hand, and the first round of defeating the fifty-man team was used. An earth dragon broke out of the ground, roared, and rushed towards Xiao Chen. .

A little bit at Xiao Chen's feet, the seven-star wings flickered, and the man had bypassed the earth dragon and rushed directly to Guan Jun. What he wanted was to win, so naturally he couldn't easily consume his body's strength!

Before the person arrived, the Fragmented Boundary Finger had already been shot, a force of the finger burst out of the air, and shot at Shangguan Jun. Shangguan Jun's expression remained unchanged, and he did not even move. Just when the finger force was about to fall on him, an earth shield , Directly block in front of him, stopping the broken world finger force.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen had already arrived in front of Shangguan Jun, and the Overlord Fist moved with all its strength, with terrifying power, crashing down!


But the next moment, Xiao Chen's punch hit the earth shield. A powerful punch only smashed Shangguan Jun's earth shield, but it did not cause much harm to Shangguan Jun.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly. At this moment, the earth dragon turned back and bit down at Xiao Chen. A long knife appeared in Xiao Chen's hand, and a galaxy blade in his back hand broke the earth dragon.

"This kid is really not easy. Jun'er's earth-dragon attacks and earth-shield defenses are amazing. This kid breaks easily, and his attacks are at least as powerful as Yuan Ying."

Astonishment flashed in the eyes of the white-haired mad demon. Shangguan Jun’s strength was clear to him. Even if the ordinary earth dragon turned over, he could easily defeat the strongest Xuan Dan peak, and Xiao Chen could smash the earth dragon with a single blow. , Its strength naturally goes without saying.

"There is a bit of skill, the earth dragon that can break me with the fifth level of the spin pill is turned over. This alone is stronger than the peak of the general spin pill!"

Shangguan Jun said lightly.

"My goal is to defeat you. The attack just now is just a tickle for you." Xiao Chen said calmly.

"You are right. Your attack is very weak. If your attack is only this level, I'm afraid you can't even break my defense. In order not to waste time, you have any hole cards to use together."

Shangguan Jun said lightly, his eyes flashed with cold light, among the younger generation, he is the undefeated arrogant, wanting to defeat him, foolish dreams.

"Indeed, to deal with you, if you don't need a hole card, I'm afraid it won't work. I know you also have a hole card. It's better to use it as soon as possible, lest there is no chance."

Xiao Chen said, and as his voice fell, black mist suddenly appeared around him, and Xiao Chen's breath suddenly became extremely gloomy, and the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling came from behind him.

"Does this feeling mean summoning ghosts?"

The faces of the five ghosts were stunned. They were familiar with this kind of breath, which was exactly the same as when they summoned the ghosts. Not only did they feel the ghosts, but the other strong men also felt it, and then they changed their colors.

"The ghost summons, Blackfaced Yama!"

Xiao Chen gave a deep cry in his heart, and then a black-faced man had already fallen beside him. The intense pressure shocked the ghosts and the idiots, and even the white-haired madness suddenly sat down with a dignified look in his eyes.

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