Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2962: God of War!

"What a powerful ghost, the coercion of this ghost is several times stronger than that of a ghostly ghost. How could he have such a powerful ghost, and the fusion of ghosts requires strong soul power and physical body, otherwise a little If you are not careful, you will burst and die. With such a powerful ghost, can he really integrate successfully?"

Doubt flashed in the eyes of the white-haired crazy demon, and there was also a hint of expectation.

"Ghost and spirit fusion!" Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, and the black face Yan Luo suddenly merged into his body, and his aura soared in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he had reached the peak of Xuan Pill, crossing four small realms, powerful Power is flooding his body.

"Is this the fusion of ghosts and spirits, such a powerful force!" Xiao Chen clenched his fists with both hands, his eyes were full of excitement, and unlike him, the ghosts and their eyes were full of shock, and they raised four small realms. Xiao Chen's How strong are ghosts?

"There isn't any discomfort, this guy, such a strong mind!" The white-haired mad demon was surprised again. The fusion of powerful ghosts can gain powerful power in a short time, but the same is also very dangerous, except for his death. In addition, it may also affect the mind. On the other hand, Xiao Chen, there is nothing at all, how can he know that the black face Yama is wise and voluntarily surrendered to Xiao Chen, and there will be no loosing of his mind. .

"You actually have ghosts?" There was a solemn flash in Shangguanjun's eyes. He could naturally feel the powerful pressure after Xiao Chen merged with ghosts.

"Is it difficult to have ghosts?" Xiao Chen said lightly: "Use your hole cards, otherwise you will lose."

Shangguan Jun’s face sank, and a powerful aura emerged from his body. Then, on him, a pair of gold suits slowly condensed, and even the spear turned golden, and the whole person instantly became a golden armored **** of war, Shangguan Jun The breath is extremely powerful.

"Isn't it a prehistoric magic weapon, is this the armor he condensed with his own strength." Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed.

A Xiao Chen full of ghostly power confronted a Shangguan Jun exuding golden light. The auras of the two kept colliding, one black and one gold, no one would let anyone else.

"Are these really two spin pills?"

The referee was a little alarmed. He felt that it was not the two Xuan Pills facing each other, but the two Nascent Soul powerhouses facing each other. Fortunately, Shangguan Jun said that he did not expect the other guy to have such a powerful aura.

Everyone in the martial arts field focused their eyes on the two of them, even the white-haired crazy demon and others on the high platform stared at them intently.


Xiao Chen and Shangguanjun shouted at the same time. The two suddenly stepped on the ground. The entire floor instantly cracked. With one punch and one shot, they collided in the middle. The terrifying force kept colliding, and suddenly, the power of the two , Comparable.

Bang bang bang!

One black and one gold, constantly colliding, defending the formation. Because of the scattered power, the formation mage on standby hurried forward to stabilize the formation.

"The strength, speed, and defense are comparable to the armored Jun'er. This is only the five-layer spin pill. If the cultivation base is stronger, I am afraid that Jun'er is not an opponent. When did Wuhuang appear such a genius? I don't even know, but if it can be used for my own use, it would be a good choice."

Seeing Xiao Chen and Shangguan Jun who were constantly colliding, a different color flashed in the eyes of the white-haired crazy demon.

"It deserves to be the first arrogant of the younger generation in the Shangguan family. The strength is so strong." Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and the spirits merged. There is a certain time limit. In such a fight, he must be the loser!

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