Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2983: I am a genius!

Xiao Chen took over Shangguanque's resources and recovered them all, then nodded and purchased a Tier 6 skill enhancement card.

"You step back!" Xiao Chen said.

Shangguanque nodded, then stepped back.

"What the **** are they doing?" Jian Xibei and Di Majesty both frowned slightly.

"Overlord Fist, Tier 6 skill enhancement card is activated!"

Xiao Chen let out a deep cry in his heart, then punched the black barrier, and the black barrier broke.

"If you don't want to die, leave here immediately."

Xiao Chen said without looking back, and after that he had left the hall directly. After thinking about it, he hurriedly followed and left.

"Everyone in Seventy-two City listened to the order and left here immediately!" Shangguanque said loudly.

"Shangguanque, what are you doing, don't forget. Onmyoji is very important to the Shangguan family." As soon as Shangguanque's voice fell, the strong Yuan Ying said puzzled.

"It's too late to explain. Anyway, it's dangerous now. Let's leave immediately!" Shangguanque hurriedly said, saying that he was about to go outside the hall.

"If you don't give us a reasonable explanation, it is impossible for us to watch the Yin Yang mirror fall into the hands of others."

"Believe me and go with me immediately. If you don't believe me, you don't want to go." Shangguanque said coldly, and then walked out, and some of them had a good relationship with Shangguanque and hurriedly followed. With the departure of these people, the overall strength of Seventy-two City was greatly reduced. The remaining people looked at the other two forces, and in desperation, they could only withdraw together, but the anger on their faces was obvious. .

"Young man, what do you mean by Shangguanque?" The evil spirit star looked towards Jian Xixi and said lightly.

"Two dogs fight, play off!"

Jian Xibei said lightly.

"Such a simple trick, do you think we will get the bait?" Dewei Shaxing smiled.

"Naturally not, if I guess right, Shangguanque must be watching a good show outside, so it's better for us to go out and watch." Jian Xibei smiled.

"Then the feeling is good, let's go out." Diwei Shaxing smiled, but he didn't move his foot even one step. Not only him, but the northwestern sword was the same. Suddenly, the hall fell into an atmosphere of confrontation.

In the distance of the main hall, Xiao Chen and Guizhi stood side by side.

Soon, he saw Shangguanque approaching with a large group of troops.

"Able to give up the temptation of the yin and sun mirror, really worthy of being Wu Huang's first genius." Xiao Chen looked at Shangguanque and smiled lightly.

"Xuan Pill Eighth Layer, how long has it taken you to break through?" Shangguanque looked at Xiao Chen in surprise.

"Who makes me a genius?" Xiao Chen smiled faintly.

"An eight-fold Xuan Pill, who dared to call himself a genius, really knows how high the sky is." Just as Xiao Chen's voice fell, there was already a mocking voice, and it was the young man who had scolded Xiao Chen in the hall before.

"I'm talking to Shangguanque, when is it your turn to interrupt, do you know how to be polite?" Xiao Chen glanced at the young man and said lightly.

"Presumptuously, a little Xuandan boy of yours, dare to call Master Shangguan's name, and immediately apologize to me, otherwise don't blame me for being polite!" The young man walked out and stared at Xiao Chen coldly. In fact, he saw Xiao Chen and Xiao Chen. After Shangguanque had an equal dialogue, he felt a little unhappy.

"Idiot!" Xiao Chen said with disdain.

"Looking for death!" The young man's face suddenly became cold, the Yuan Ying's dual aura had burst out, the next moment, he had appeared next to Xiao Chen, kicking Xiao Chen's head.

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