Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2984: En will revenge!

Xiao Chen's face was cold, his eyes flashed with killing intent, and he stretched out his hand to block the young man's foot, and then Xiao Chen was kicked out directly.

After Xiao Chen stabilized his figure, he glanced at the young man, then looked at Shangguan Que, and said lightly: "Can I kill him?"

"Kill me? Just rely on you with an eight-fold spin pill ant?" The young man sneered.

"He Yuan, enough, apologize to Young Master Xiao Chen." Shangguanque said solemnly.

He Yuan's face sank, and then looked at Shangguanque in disbelief. He didn't expect that Shangguanque would ask him to apologize to an ant.

"Apologize!" Shangguanque said solemnly again.

He Yuan's face was very ugly, and then he looked at Xiao Chen, not only did not apologize, but rushed directly towards Xiao Chen again, his body rolled, a long sword appeared in his hand, and a brilliant sword light had already been cut at Xiao Chen.

The sword light was sharp, obviously trying to take Xiao Chen's life.

The cold light in Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and a long knife appeared in his hand. The blade of the galaxy cut out, and a blade of blade light went to meet the sword light. Then in everyone's shocked eyes, the sword light was smashed, and then it was cut on He Yuan. .


He Yuan sprayed out blood, then looked at Xiao Chen in disbelief, "How is it possible!"

Shangguanque also looked at Xiao Chen with a little surprise, and it turned out that it was just a move that wounded a strong Yuan Ying double.

"Yuan'er, are you okay!" A middle-aged man from Yuanying Sixth Layer hurriedly came to He Yuan, then stared at Xiao Chen, and said coldly: "You dare to hurt my son, I want Kill you!"

"If you dare to do something to me, don't blame me for not giving Shangguanque face." Xiao Chen said coldly, his eyes full of killing intent.

But at this moment, two figures suddenly flew out from the main hall, and then landed beside Xiao Chen. It was Earth Ying Sha Xing and Earth Speed ​​Sha Xing.

"Three young masters!" The two arched hands.

"Earth evil murderer!" When the other strong men saw the two, their expressions instantly changed, and their eyes were full of killing intent.

"How is the situation inside?" Xiao Chen asked lightly.

"Three young masters, the two forces inside are still facing each other." Diying Shaxing said solemnly.

"Calculating the time, it should be almost!" Xiao Chen muttered.

"Boy, you actually colluded with the evil gangsters and deceived Master Shangguanque. What are you so comfortable with!" The middle-aged man pointed at Xiao Chen and shouted.

Xiao Chen coldly glanced at the middle-aged man, then turned around and said, "Let's leave here first."

"Stop, you group of evil spirits, where are you going!" The middle-aged man stood in front of Xiao Chen in an instant, and said coldly.

"Earth evil murderer, everyone gets it!" Other strong men also fell around, surrounding Xiao Chen and the others, with killing intent in their eyes.

"Why, do you want to avenge your grievances?" Xiao Chen glanced around, then fell on Shangguanque's body and said coldly.

"En will revenge?" The middle-aged He surnamed coldly: "Boy, what kind of grace do you have to us? He Tan En will revenge revenge, and you are in collusion with the evil spirits, you will undoubtedly die today!"

"He is indeed kind to us." At this moment, Shangguanque said lightly.

As Shangguanque's voice fell, everyone else looked at Shangguanque in a puzzled manner. At this moment, a shocking explosion sounded from the direction of the hall, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"How is this going?"

"It's such a terrifying explosion, this kind of power, even if the Yuan Ying eight-fold powerhouse, will not survive!"

"It's good in the hall, how can there be an explosion?"

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